Monique O. Madan CalMatters El Proyecto 2025, el manual conservador de 900 páginas para el próximo presidente republicano, lanza un ultimátum para California: rastrear e informar datos sobre abortos al gobierno federal o arriesgarse a perder miles de millones en fondos de Medicaid para salud reproductiva. California es uno...
Monique O. Madan CalMatters Project 2025, the 900-page conservative playbook for the next Republican president, issues an ultimatum for California: track and report abortion data to the federal government or risk losing billions in Medicaid funding for reproductive health. California is one of only three states that do not...
Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump went full throttle on immigrants during the Sept. 10 Presidential debate, vowing to deport at least 15 million migrants immediately after taking office. “These people coming in…they’re eating the dogs. They’re eating the cats. They’re eating the pets of...
Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services El candidato presidencial republicano Donald Trump atacó a fondo a los inmigrantes durante el debate presidencial del 10 de septiembre, prometiendo deportar al menos a 15 millones de inmigrantes inmediatamente después de asumir el cargo. “Estas personas que entran… se están comiendo a los...
Una narrativa común sugiere que los votantes estadounidenses profundamente polarizados siempre apoyan a los candidatos de su partido, pero un nuevo estudio sugiere lo contrario en determinadas circunstancias. Investigadores de las universidades estatales de Sacramento y San Diego preguntaron a más de 900 votantes partidistas sobre la vivienda y las personas...
A common narrative suggests that deeply polarized American voters always support their party’s candidates, but a new study suggests otherwise in certain circumstances. Researchers from Sacramento State and San Diego State universities asked more than 900 partisan voters about housing and homelessness – then asked them to choose, in a hypothetical...
As the world watches Mexico under the leadership of its first female president beginning October frist, we face the real possibility of making history in our own country by electing the first female president in the United States. This is a crucial moment for the female vote, and especially...
Shirley N. Weber, Ph.D. & Francisco J. Silva, Esq. Ethnic Media Services As we observe National Civic Health Month every August, we are reminded that the power of voting extends far beyond the ballot box. It is the foundation of a healthier and more equitable society. Civic Health Month...
Shirley N. Weber, Ph.D. & Francisco J. Silva, Esq. Ethnic Media Services Cada agosto, durante el Mes Nacional de la Salud Cívica, nos recordamos que el voto es más que ir a las casillas electorales. La votación es la clave fundamental para una sociedad más saludable y justa. Este...