• Conoce a Kamala y sus banderas

    Al cabo de semanas de angustia, la realidad se impuso y Joe Biden pasó la estafeta a Kamala Harris. Fue un triunfo de su sentido de responsabilidad histórica: de haberse mantenido en la carrera y perdido frente a Donald Trump, el juicio de la historia habría sido devastador. Ahora Biden se despide como un digno...
  • Meet Kamala and her Values

    After weeks of anguish, reality prevailed and Joe Biden passed the baton to Kamala Harris. It was a triumph of his sense of historical responsibility: had he stayed in the race and lost to Donald Trump, the judgment of history would have been devastating. Now Biden says goodbye as...
  • A Democracy with votes, not bullets

    Political violence has always been present in the life of American democracy. Two presidents (Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy) were assassinated in office, as was a presidential candidate (Robert F. Kennedy), and one more (Ronald Reagan) was the victim of an attack that nearly cost him his life....
  • Democracia con votos, no con balas

    La violencia política siempre ha estado presente en la vida de la democracia estadounidense. Dos presidentes (Abraham Lincoln y John F. Kennedy) fueron asesinados en funciones, al igual que un candidato presidencial (Robert F Kennedy) y uno más (Ronald Reagan) fue víctima de un atentado que estuvo a punto de costarle la...
  • Learn about the Republicans’ anti-immigration platform

    On the eve of the National Convention that will take place from July 15 to 18 in Milwaukee, the Republican Party unveiled one of the most anti-immigration platforms in the history of the country. The list of promises against migrants clearly reflects Donald Trump’s political thinking and confirms the...
  • Conoce la plataforma antimigratoria de los republicanos 

    En vísperas de su Convención Nacional que tendrá lugar del 15 al 18 de julio en Milwaukee, el Partido Republicano develó una de las plataformas más antimigratoria de la historia del país. La lista de promesas contra los migrantes refleja con claridad el pensamiento político de Donald Trump y confirma el eje central...
  • The biggest dilemma when voting: Biden or Trump

    More than 160 million voters in the United States will have a dilemma on November 5: vote for the second term of an octogenarian president with clear evidence of weakened cognitive acuity or for a fallacious almost octogenarian lacking an ethical compass and moral. The first face-to-face debate between...
  • El mayor dilema a la hora de votar: Biden o Trump

    Más de 160 millones de votantes en los Estados Unidos tendrán un dilema el 5 de noviembre: votar por el segundo mandato de un presidente octogenario con claras evidencias de una agudeza cognitiva debilitada o por el de un casi octogenario falaz y carente de una brújula ética y moral. El primer...
  • What issues are going to define the Latino vote in November?

    Less than 5 months before the presidential elections and in the week of the first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, the main concern of Latino voters is, without a doubt, the economic situation. An extensive survey conducted this week by UnidosUS shows that more than 4...