Family Features Este año, haz un plan para mantener saludable a tu familia ayudándoles a recibir sus vacunas contra infecciones respiratorias como la gripe, el COVID-19 y el VRS. Es más probable que estas enfermedades respiratorias lleguen a ser graves para las personas que no están al día con...
Family Features This year, make a plan to keep your family healthy by helping them get vaccinated for respiratory infections like flu, COVID-19 and RSV. These respiratory illnesses are more likely to become serious for people who are not up to date on their vaccines. In colder months, respiratory...
Según un nuevo informe de la Universidad de Georgetown, los californianos de las zonas rurales serían los más perjudicados por los enormes recortes propuestos a Medicaid, conocido en California como Medi-Cal. El 49% de los niños de las zonas rurales del estado reciben asistencia médica a través de Medi-Cal, y el 41% en...
Rural Californians would be hurt the most by huge proposed cuts to Medicaid, known in California as Medi-Cal, according to a new report from Georgetown University. In rural parts of the state, 49% of children get their health care through Medi-Cal, and 41% in urban areas. Faith Colburn, health care advocacy director for...
Los grupos de salud mental están dando un paso adelante para ayudar a las víctimas de los incendios forestales del área de Los Ángeles a lidiar con el estrés extremo provocado por el desastre. La Línea de Ayuda para Padres y Jóvenes de California está comenzando a trabajar en...
Mental health groups are stepping up to help victims of the Los Angeles area wildfires deal with the extreme stress brought on by the disaster. The California Parent and Youth Helpline is beginning to work at evacuation centers and is looking to partner with community or government entities to...
The new year means resolutions, reflection and recharging. It’s a fresh start, a time when new, healthier habits seem possible. This year, along with eating healthier and exercising more, prioritize your mental wellness. Hit reset and take steps to clear your mind to feel focused, energized and ready to...
Ante el deterioro de la salud mental de los jóvenes, California ha puesto en marcha una nueva iniciativa para ayudarles a acceder a tratamiento gratuito. La Iniciativa de salud mental infantil y juvenil, Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI), que cuenta con más de 4 mil millones de...
With youth mental health worsening, California has launched a new initiative to help kids access free treatment. The over $4 billion Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI), part of Governor Newsom’s Master Plan For Kids’ Mental Health announced in 2022, aims to fight the youth mental health crisis...