After an Orange County resident flushes her toilet, the water flows through the Southern California community’s sewer system, meanders its way to the sanitation plant, has its solids removed, is piped to a wastewater recycling facility next door and undergoes three different purification processes until it is clean enough...
Después de que un residente del Condado de Orange le baje al baño, el agua fluye a través del sistema de alcantarillado de la comunidad del sur de California, serpentea hasta la planta de saneamiento, se eliminan los sólidos, se canaliza a una instalación de reciclaje de aguas residuales...
Natalie Hanson Ethnic Media Services Los californianos sin hogar se encuentran entre los que corren mayor riesgo de sufrir calor extremo, según expertos del gobierno. Tres veteranos sin hogar de las olas de calor del verano en el Área de la Bahía dicen que sus consejos más importantes para...
Natalie Hanson Ethnic Media Services Unhoused Californians are among the most at risk from extreme heat, according to government experts. Three homeless veterans of the Bay Area’s summer heat waves say their most important tips for surviving the rising temperatures have come from other unhoused people. All say it’s...
Una alimentación nutritiva, incluidos los refrigerios más inteligentes, es una forma importante de proteger su corazón y mantener la salud y el bienestar en general. Si bien muchas personas entienden los conceptos básicos de una alimentación saludable, por ejemplo, evitar demasiados dulces azucarados, algunos están confundidos acerca de las...
Nutritious eating, including smarter snacking, is an important way to protect your heart and maintain overall health and wellness. While many people understand the basics of healthy eating – avoiding too many sugary treats, for example – some are confused about important food categories that can impact nutrition. According...
Rachel Becker CalMatters Los californianos podrían beber aguas residuales altamente purificadas que se canalizan directamente a los suministros de agua potable por primera vez según las reglas propuestas reveladas por los funcionarios estatales de agua. El estado propenso a las sequías ha recurrido al agua reciclada durante más de 60...
Rachel Becker CalMatters Californians could drink highly purified sewage water that is piped directly into drinking water supplies for the first time under proposed rules unveiled by state water officials. The drought-prone state has turned to recycled water for more than 60 years to bolster its scarce supplies, but the current...
Peter Schurmann Ethnic Media Services From the shores of Greece to the US southern border, across Turkey, North Africa and along the length of the America’s, the flow of humanity fleeing war, violence, poverty, and hunger is rising year-by-year. And, experts say, government policies are exacerbating this growing humanitarian...