Yue Stella Yu & Sameea Kamal CalMatters Lisamaría Martínez no está segura de cuándo votó en persona por última vez. Pero recuerda las botas que usó ese día: sus “fabulosas”, nuevas botas azul marino con tacones gruesos, que le provocaron ampollas en su caminata de una milla de largo...
Yue Stella Yu & Sameea Kamal CalMatters Lisamaria Martinez isn’t sure when she last voted in person. But she remembers the boots she wore that day — her “fabulous,” new navy blue boots with chunky heels, which gave her blisters on her mile-long walk back home from the polling...
Levi Sumagaysay CalMatters Si tiene problemas para encontrar un seguro de automóvil asequible, no está solo. Los conductores de California dicen que tienen que esperar más de lo habitual para obtener cobertura y, cuando finalmente encuentran una aseguradora y un plan, tienen que pagar sus primas por adelantado. “Definitivamente...
Levi Sumagaysay CalMatters If you’re having trouble finding affordable car insurance, you’re not alone. Drivers across California say they’re having to wait longer than usual to get coverage — and when they finally find an insurer and a plan, they’re having to pay their premiums up front. “Something is...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services K-12 students returning to school this month face teacher shortages, pitched battles over curricula, and pandemic-era learning gaps, teachers and education officials explained at an August 18 briefing held by Ethnic Media Services. Teacher Shortages Some 233,000 thousand public school teachers left the profession...
Grace Gedye CalMatters Cuando Sophie Szew descargó Instagram por primera vez en su fiesta de cumpleaños número 10, estuvo expuesta a una ráfaga de información que “promovía los trastornos alimentarios”, dijo a los legisladores de California. A los 15, dijo, estaba siguiendo “todos los regímenes de inanición recomendados” por...
Grace Gedye CalMatters When Sophie Szew first downloaded Instagram at her 10th birthday party, she was exposed to a flurry of information that “promoted eating disorders,” she told California lawmakers. By 15, she said, she was following “every starvation regimen recommended” by Instagram’s “explore” page. Szew, now 20, spoke...
El COVID-19 ha tocado casi todas las facetas de la vida, y un nuevo informe del Centro de Prestamos Responsables dice que las mujeres que pagan prestamos estudiantiles se han visto especialmente afectadas. El informe dice en particular que la pandemia exacerbo la inestabilidad financiera de las mujeres de color, reduciendo...
COVID-19 has touched just about every facet of life, and a new report from the Center for Responsible Lending says women repaying student loans have been hit especially hard. The report says in particular, the pandemic exacerbated the financial instability of women of color, reducing their ability to repay...