A sólo días del vencimiento para un acuerdo sobre el presupuesto federal y sobre importantes iniciativas como la Ley del Campo (Farm Bill), no existe ningún indicativo de qué podrán resolverse a tiempo. Se trata de una virtual repetición de lo ocurrido en 2023, cuando ante la falta de un...
With just days to go before an agreement on the federal budget and on important initiatives such as the Farm Bill expire, there is no indication that they will be resolved in time. This is a virtual repetition of what happened in 2023, when in the absence of an...
Alexei Koseff CalMatters For California political observers, the housing plan that Kamala Harris recently unveiled may have caused a twinge of familiarity. As a central plank of her agenda to “lower costs for American families,” the Democratic presidential nominee pledged in August to build 3 million additional affordable homes and rentals...
Alexei Koseff CalMatters Para los observadores políticos de California, el plan de vivienda que Kamala Harris reveló recientemente puede haber causado una punzada de familiaridad. Como eje central de su agenda para “reducir los costos para las familias estadounidenses”, la candidata presidencial demócrata se comprometió en agosto a construir 3 millones...
The number of youth held in juvenile justice facilities in California and across the U.S. dropped 75% between 2000 and 2022 – according to a new policy brief from the Sentencing Project. Researchers say it reflects big declines in youth offending and arrests – and lower rates of incarceration during the pandemic....
El número de jóvenes recluidos en centros de justicia juvenil en California y en todo Estados Unidos se redujo un 75% entre 2000 y 2022, según un nuevo informe de políticas del Sentencing Project. Los investigadores dicen que refleja grandes disminuciones en la delincuencia y los arrestos juveniles, y...
Rachel Becker CalMatters En un hito importante, los reguladores estatales anunciaron en julio que casi un millón más de californianos tienen ahora agua potable segura que hace cinco años. Pero en todo el estado, el problema sigue siendo grave: más de 735,000 personas siguen recibiendo agua de los casi 400 sistemas que no...
Rachel Becker CalMatters In a major milestone, state regulators announced in July that nearly a million more Californians now have safe drinking water than five years ago. But across the state, the problem remains severe: More than 735,000 people are still served by the nearly 400 water systems that fail to meet state...
Political violence has been part of the history of the United States since its beginnings and, unfortunately, continues to be a reality to this day. It occurred in the colonial period and in the revolution; in the first years of the Republic, it reached its climax in the Civil...