Mobile units aim to ‘Make Summer Fair’ for rural low-income kids

Suzanne Potter | California News Service
Save the Children's mobile units deliver books and other educational resources to rural low-income communities in 11 states, including California. Photo Credit: Save the Children

Mobile units are rolling out in rural California communities this summer to help keep kids engaged and combat learning loss.

The nonprofit Save the Children’s “Make Summer Fair” campaign provides books and educational resources in areas where summer learning opportunities are limited.

Lucero Chavez Ramirez, California state director for Save the Children, said kids can lose two months’ worth of learning while school is out.

“There is a significant learning loss during the summer months,” Chavez Ramirez pointed out. “Especially for children in these rural underserved areas where they might not have the opportunity to go to a summer camp or participate in other activities.”

The campaign encouraged parents to incorporate learning into their routine, setting aside time for reading every day. For young kids, parents can pick a letter of the day and then search for items starting with the letter in the grocery aisle.

Yolanda Minor, Mississippi state director for Save the Children, said parents and caregivers are kids first, best teachers. She suggested fun ways to add math into the daily equation, like talking about geometry with slices of pizza on a round dinner plate.

“Bring math into the kitchen. Include the whole family,” Minor urged. “Talk about the measuring of the ingredients, how many scoops; you can even count. It’s so many things that you can do at dinnertime.”
