
  • Fed Board Meets in ID to Discuss Nuclear Waste Storage

    Federal officials are in Idaho to discuss where to store nuclear waste. The U.S. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board, an independent federal agency, is holding two meetings in Idaho Falls. The first is today and will feature a workshop on the siting of radioactive waste facilities. Wednesday’s board meeting will focus on the...
  • County Looks to Expand Hazardous Waste Disposal Program for Small Businesses

    The County of Santa Clara SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIF. — The County of Santa Clara Household Hazardous Waste Program is expanding access to a service that provides a simple and cost-effective way for small businesses to dispose of hazardous waste. The Very Small Quantity Generator (VSQG) disposal program is a drop-off...
  • EarthTalk Q&A: Desechos de Mascotas

    Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk Los desechos de perros y gatos pueden parecer inofensivos, pero la realidad es que las heces de tu mascota pueden ser muy problemáticas para los ecosistemas donde se acumulan. Piensa en un ecosistema como una caja cerrada. Dentro de esa caja cerrada está...
  • EarthTalk Q&A: Pet Waste

    Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk Dog and cat waste may seem harmless, but the reality is that your pet’s poop can be very problematic for ecosystems where it accumulates. Think of an ecosystem as a closed box. Within that closed box is everything that makes up an ecosystem:...
  • EarthTalk Q&A: Worldwide Problem Of PPE Waste

    Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk Desde trabajadores de la salud, maestros, empleados de supermercados y estudiantes, nadie se ha escapado de la creciente necesidad de equipo de protección personal (EPP) en los últimos dos años. Aunque indiscutiblemente es un agente crítico en la prevención de la propagación de...
  • EarthTalk Q&A: Worldwide Problem Of PPE Waste

    Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk From healthcare workers and teachers, grocery clerks and students, no one has escaped the increased need for personal protective equipment (PPE) the past two years. Though inarguably a critical agent in preventing the spread of disease, PPE has inadvertently created a new “shadow...

    Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk Las ventas récord de autos eléctricos confirman que el futuro del transporte eléctrico ya está aquí. A nivel mundial, 10 millones de vehículos que funcionan con baterías de iones de litio están en la calle ahora. La Agencia Internacional de Energía predice que...

    Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk Record-breaking electric car sales confirm that the future of electric transport is here. Globally, 10 million lithium-ion battery-powered vehicles are now on the road. The International Energy Agency predicts that number will increase to 300 million by 2030, accounting for over 60 percent...