Carolyn Jones CalMatters In this politically charged era, there’s one thing both parties agree on: the benefits of high school career pathways. With strong bipartisan support, career and technical education programs are poised to be a centerpiece of education policy over the next few years — both federally and...
Carolyn Jones CalMatters When the superintendent in San Francisco Unified proposed closing schools recently, parents launched a prolonged — and successful — protest. The uproar may have died down for now, but the issue is likely to erupt at school boards across the state — and some say that’s...
Durante el primer mandato de Donald Trump como presidente, se mostró reacio a hablar con valentía sobre la elección de escuelas. Eso es según Kellyanne Conway, asistente del presidente en ese entonces y una de sus exdirectoras de campaña. “Él decía: ‘¿No somos nosotros los que decimos que [la...
During Donald Trump’s first term as president, he was reluctant to speak boldly about school choice. That’s according to Kellyanne Conway, an aide to the president back then, and one of his former campaign managers. “He would say ‘Aren’t we the ones who say it is local? Why...
Carolyn Jones CalMatters With California’s fund for school repairs on empty, voters approved a $10 billion bond to pay for much-needed upgrades at K-12 schools and community colleges. “This is very good news for all students,” said Adam Clark, superintendent of Mt. Diablo Unified in Contra Costa County. “In our district,...
Alejandra Reyes-Velarde CalMatters En su clase de quinto grado en una escuela de Los Ángeles, un día en que las temperaturas exteriores alcanzaron los 46 grados Celsius, el calor le provocó dolor de cabeza a Lilian Chin. El aire acondicionado de su aula estaba roto. Tenía los dedos entumecidos...
Alejandra Reyes-Velarde CalMatters In her fifth grade class in a Los Angeles school, on a day when outdoor temperatures reached 116 degrees, the heat gave Lilian Chin a headache. The air conditioner in her classroom was broken. Her fingers felt numb and she vomited in class, according to her mother....
Carolyn Jones & Khari Johnson CalMatters En la escuela secundaria Bullard de Fresno, es fácil ver los beneficios de prohibir los teléfonos celulares a los estudiantes. El acoso escolar ha disminuido y la socialización ha aumentado, dijo el director Armen Torigian. ¿Hacer cumplir las restricciones a los teléfonos inteligentes?...
Carolyn Jones & Khari Johnson CalMatters At Bullard High School in Fresno, it’s easy to see the benefits of banning students’ cellphones. Bullying is down and socialization is up, principal Armen Torigian said. Enforcing the smartphone restrictions? That’s been harder. Instead of putting their devices in magnetically locked pouches,...