Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services En los últimos años, Medi-Cal, la versión de Medicaid de California, ha estado en la primera línea nacional para reducir las disparidades de salud que afectan a los californianos de color. Palav Babaria, subdirector de calidad y gestión de la salud de la población...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services Over the last few years, Medi-Cal — California’s version of Medicaid — has been on the national front lines of reducing health disparities impacting Californians of color. Palav Babaria, deputy director of quality and population health management at the Department of Health Care Services...
As the world watches Mexico under the leadership of its first female president beginning October frist, we face the real possibility of making history in our own country by electing the first female president in the United States. This is a crucial moment for the female vote, and especially...
Los planes para abrir una nueva entrada a los parques estatales y nacionales de Redwoods recibieron un gran impulso el martes 19 de marzo, allanando el camino para que una parcela de tierra clave sea devuelta a la tribu Yurok. El lugar se llama ‘O Rew en el idioma...
Plans to open a new gateway to Redwoods State and National Parks got a big boost Tuesday March 19, paving the way for a key parcel of land to be returned to the Yurok Tribe. The place is called ‘O Rew in the Yurok language, on Highway 101, about...
Maria Luisa Rossel National Wildlife Federation The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, introduced in the Senate by the legislators Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), will help protect wildlife for future generations. If approved, this historic legislation will serve to recover plant and animal species at risk, and prevent...
Casi la mitad de todos los cursos de los colegios comunitarios son impartidos por profesores de medio tiempo, y un nuevo acuerdo laboral significa que ahora el profesorado adjunto de los colegios comunitarios de Los Angeles tendrá una atención medica accesible. El acuerdo, anunciado el viernes, otorgara a los...
Almost half of all community college courses are taught by part-time instructors, and a new labor agreement means adjunct faculty at community colleges in Los Angeles will get affordable health care. The deal, announced Friday, will give part-time faculty the same contribution – about $1,300 a month – as...
Every 30 seconds in the U.S. a Latino citizen turns 18, and it is Latino Advocacy Week, the second annual initiative where community leaders champion causes supporting Latinos across the nation. This week, a series of events, meetings and webinars will be held by various community groups, nonprofits and elected...