Peter White Ethnic Media Services Cuando el presidente Biden dio a conocer formalmente su presupuesto la semana pasada en Filadelfia, apuntó directamente al fútbol político que es la reforma de seguridad social. “Les garantizo que protegeré el Seguro Social y Medicare sin ningún cambio”, dijo el presidente. Pero los...
Peter White Ethnic Media Services When President Biden formally unveiled his budget last week in Philadelphia, he took direct aim at the political football that is entitlement reform. “I guarantee you I will protect Social Security and Medicare without any change,” the president said. But analysts say looming shortfalls...
En Texas y California, las nuevas leyes hacen un llamado a las personas de cada estado para que vigilen e informen sobre sus vecinos, y obtengan una recompensa por hacerlo. Inusual, sí, aunque es un concepto que se remonta a los primeros días de la república estadounidense. Pero, ¿qué...
In Texas and California, new laws call on the people of each state to watch and report their neighbors — and reap a reward for doing so. Unusual, yes — although it’s a concept that dates back to the earliest days of the American republic. But what do Civil...
Less than 24 hours after President Biden announced a relaunch of the campaign for greater gun control, a dramatic violent incident occurred on the New York subway resulting in dozens of people injured. Although the reasons are not yet clear, apparently it is not a terrorist act, however, the...
El domingo 28 de julio de 2019 tuvo lugar un ‘evento de tiro masivo’ en el 41 ° Festival Anual de Ajo Gilroy. Ese pistolero había evadido los controles de seguridad en la entrada ingresando a través de un corte de apertura en la valla encadenada. Una vez dentro...
On Sunday, July 28, 2019 a ‘mass shooting event’ happened at the 41st Annual Gilroy Garlic Festival. That gunman had evaded security checks at the entry by entering through an opening cut into the chain linked fence. Once inside the Gilroy Garlic Festival, that 19-year-old gunman opened fire, wounding...
San Jose Police Department Chief Eddie Garcia addressed anxieties of the undocumented community in his op-ed published by Bay Area News Group (S.J. Mercury News, page A8, 04.11.2019). In his very first paragraph, Chief Garcia communicates the fact that an undocumented convicted felon had killed Bambi Larson. Turning this...
Mark Richardson Public News Service Texas – A new study on gun culture finds that a small, but influential group of Americans sees guns not as a problem, but as a way to solve a problem. The report, published in the journal Social Problems, analyzed gun owners in Texas and...