Monique O. Madan CalMatters El Proyecto 2025, el manual conservador de 900 páginas para el próximo presidente republicano, lanza un ultimátum para California: rastrear e informar datos sobre abortos al gobierno federal o arriesgarse a perder miles de millones en fondos de Medicaid para salud reproductiva. California es uno...
Monique O. Madan CalMatters Project 2025, the 900-page conservative playbook for the next Republican president, issues an ultimatum for California: track and report abortion data to the federal government or risk losing billions in Medicaid funding for reproductive health. California is one of only three states that do not...
In the wake of the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Crisis Pregnancy Centers are drawing more scrutiny. In June, California Attorney General Rob Bonta warned the centers advertise reproductive health care services, but their true mission is to dissuade people from seeking an abortion. Stephanie Peng, senior manager...
Suzanne Potter California News Service El año pasado, los estadounidenses informaron haber perdido un récord de $5.8 billones debido a estafas, y ahora, el estado de California y A-A-R-P se están uniendo para tratar de reducir ese número. Una serie web de cuatro partes sobre la protección contra el fraude al consumidor se...
Suzanne Potter California News Service Last year, Americans reported losing a record-breaking $5.8 billion to scams, and now, the State of California and AARP are teaming up to try to bring the number down. A four-part web series on consumer fraud protection debuts today at noon and runs every Wednesday through the end...
Amanda Arellano sintió que un gran peso le oprimía el pecho. Era mayo de 2021 y el adolescente luchaba por respirar. María Arellano llevó a toda prisa a su hija de 17 años al neumólogo. Amanda tiene parálisis cerebral, autismo, epilepsia, asma y un soplo cardíaco. Con COVID al...
Amanda Arellano felt a heavy weight pressing down on her chest. It was May of 2021, and the teenager struggled to breathe. Maria Arellano rushed her 17-year-old daughter to the pulmonologist. Amanda has cerebral palsy, autism, epilepsy, asthma and a heart murmur. With COVID on the prowl, they couldn’t...
Suzanne Potter California News Service SACRAMENTO, Calif. – California could save billions of dollars by reducing the number of high school suspensions and favoring rehabilitation over punishment, according to a new study by the California Dropout Research Project. Researchers followed more than 100 randomly chosen 10th graders from across...