

    Hilbert Morales EL OBSERVADOR The most significant happening during 2017 was the installation of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States of America. Almost all mainstream media commentators along with prognosticators who expected Hillary Clinton to have been elected first woman President were wrong. Hillary never did...
  • El verdadero descubrimiento de América

    Mario Jiménez Castillo El Observador Bjarni Herjolfsson fue un navegante islandés que se dedicó a explorar Groenlandia después que la isla fuera descubierta en el año 982 por Eric el rojo( Erik the Red) Durante el verano del año 986, Bjarni, antes de partir hacia una nueva expedición tuvo...
  • Student Hunger in America, It Exists

    Estephany Haro El Observador As the summer comes to an end, college students across the Bay Area are getting ready to go back to school. But instead of worrying about what to wear the first day of class or if friends are in the same classes, many of them...
  • Make America A Democracy Again

    Gil Villagran Special to El Observador  It is clear that our nation, the world’s first democracy, has lost its way from a revolutionary democracy, once the leader among nations, ripping apart the monarchist illusion that only a hereditary inbred family can rule by divine right.  Today, our democracy is...
  • What makes America Exceptional?

    This commentary is based upon material broadcast by CNN, Fareed Zakaria, Global Public Square, 02.21.16. Several Republican presidential candidates have asserted that President Barack H. Obama’s policies are transforming America as a nation, as well they should. But the essential question is “What makes America exceptional?” CNN, Global Public...