
  • Campesinos de California deben lidiar con el humo de incendios forestales, pesticidas, cucarachas y roedores, según encuesta

    Uno de los estudios académicos más grandes de los trabajadores agrícolas de California es cuantificar sus difíciles condiciones laborales y de vivienda en un momento en que la atención sobre esos problemas no podría ser más visible. El Centro Comunitario y Laboral de Merced de la Universidad de California...
  • California farmworkers cope with wildfire smoke, pesticides, roaches and rodents, survey says

    One of the largest academic studies of California farmworkers is quantifying their difficult workplace and housing conditions at a time when the spotlight on those issues couldn’t be brighter. The University of California Merced Community and Labor Center released results of its first California Farmworker Health Study in January. The 110-page...
  • By the numbers: California’s mild 2022 wildfire season

    Julie Cart CalMatters As California emerges from its “peak” wildfire season, the state has managed to avoid its recent plague of catastrophic wildfires. So far in 2022, the fewest acres have burned since 2019. State Emergency Services Director Mark Ghilarducci said California had “a bit of luck” with weather this...
  • Should homeowners pay for climate change?

    In hard-hit Napa Valley, which has burned multiple times this last decade, successful winemakers and longtime residents are weighing their options to rebuild or move out entirely simply by looking at their property insurance policies. “They just can’t get insurance,” said Democratic state Sen. Bill Dodd, whose district spans...
  • ¿Deberían los propietarios pagar por el cambio climático?

    En Napa Valley, que se ha visto muy afectado, que se ha quemado varias veces en la última década, los enólogos exitosos y los residentes desde hace mucho tiempo están sopesando sus opciones para reconstruir o mudarse por completo simplemente mirando sus pólizas de seguro de propiedad. “Simplemente no...
  • Cómo curar las heridas emocionales después de un desastre

    Escuchamos a más de 200 sobrevivientes de desastres y personas que los ayudaron. Esto es lo que aprendimos. Los desastres son estresantes. Nuestro mundo que se calienta sigue agregando leña a los incendios, inundaciones y huracanes, entre otras calamidades. ¿Qué se puede hacer con el trauma que sigue? The...
  • How to Heal Emotional Wounds After Disaster

    We heard from more than 200 disaster survivors and people helping them. Here’s what we learned. Disasters are stressful. Our warming world keeps adding fuel to the fires — and floods and hurricanes, among other calamities. What can be done about the trauma that follows? The Center for Public...
  • Camp Fire changed lives: a survivor’s story

    “This is what being a climate change refugee feels like…” Allan Stellar Ethnic Media Services/ChicoSol That awful, awful day. On that awful day, when Paradise was engulfed in flames, I hugged my yellow lab Angel goodbye. I woke up early, 5 a.m., and decided to leave for work without...
  • BBB Offers Ways to Help California Wildfire Victims

    Better Business Bureau (BBB) serving the San Francisco Bay Area and Northern Coastal California offers tips for helping those affected by the devastating fires Evan Arnold-Gordon Golden Gate Better Business Bureau Wildfire season has once again dramatically impacted California, leaving destruction in its wake and communities to pick up...