Arturo Hilario El Observador Tina Turner is a name that evokes greatness. It’s a name that is celebrated in the world of music, as one of the world’s bestselling artists ever with hits like “What’s Love Got to Do with It”, “The Best”, and “Proud Mary”. Her voice and...
Arturo Hilario El Observador Tina Turner es un nombre que evoca grandeza. Es un nombre que se celebra en el mundo de la música, como uno de los artistas más vendidos del mundo con éxitos como “What’s Love Got to Do with It”, “The Best” y “Proud Mary”. Su...
Los estudiantes latinos en California se gradúan de la universidad a tasas mucho más bajas que los estudiantes blancos, y la brecha se ha ampliado en los últimos cuatro años, según un nuevo análisis de la organización sin fines de lucro Excelencia in Educación. Los datos muestran que en 2021, el...
Latino students in California are graduating from college at much lower rates than white students, and the gap has widened over the last four years, according to a new analysis from the nonprofit Excelencia in Education. The data show in 2021, 22% of Latinos in California age 25 and older have...
While homeownership remains a challenge for people of color in California, a new report argues the state’s landmark law limiting property tax increases keeps those who do achieve it from equally reaping the benefits. Under Proposition 13, a report released recently say white homeowners get annual property tax breaks that are...
President Joe Biden traveled to Buffalo Tuesday to grieve with residents of the city, after 10 people were killed over the weekend in an anti-Black racist attack. During a speech at Buffalo’s Delavan Grider Community Center, Biden recalled the names of the 10 victims and who they were to...
Los propietarios de viviendas en vecindarios ricos y anglosajones en Oakland recibieron miles de dólares más en exenciones de impuestos a la propiedad que sus contrapartes en vecindarios con grandes poblaciones negras, asiáticas y latinas, según un nuevo informe basado en un estudio realizado por Tax Fairness Project y la San...
Homeowners in wealthy, white neighborhoods in Oakland received thousands of dollars more in property tax breaks than their counterparts in neighborhoods with large Black, Asian and Latino populations, according to a new report based on a study by the Tax Fairness Project and the San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban...
Soundbite Services DENVER – The story of America is becoming increasingly more diverse, but the same can’t be said for America’s storytellers. While the population of the United States is nearly 40 percent nonwhite and growing, 83 percent of journalists working in U.S. newsrooms are white. To be fair,...