Los demócratas del Comité de Supervisión de la Camara de Representantes afirman que la investigación del GOP sobre si los sindicatos de profesores tuvieron demasiada influencia en el cierre de escuelas tras la pandemia no ha dado resultados. Un portavoz de los demócratas dice que, de hecho, los Centros...
Democrats on the House Oversight Committee say a GOP probe into whether teachers’ unions had too much influence on pandemic school closures has come up empty. A spokesperson for the Democrats says that in fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention consulted a wide range of stakeholders before...
Peter White Ethnic Media Services En el verano laboral más caluroso en 40 años, los sindicatos exigen mejores contratos para los trabajadores que no pueden vivir de su pago. Y la solidaridad en todos los sectores está marcando la diferencia. Esta es la opinión compartida por organizadores sindicales veteranos,...
Peter White Ethnic Media Services In the hottest labor summer in 40 years, unions are demanding better contracts for working people who can’t live on their paychecks. And solidarity across all sectors is making a difference. This is the view shared by veteran union organizers, labor economists, and striking...
Unions, environmental groups and other progressive organizations are leading the charge to reform California’s referendum process, which allows voters to repeal laws passed by the legislature. Assembly Bill 421 came about after the oil industry gathered signatures to repeal a law blocking new drilling in neighborhoods. Assemblymember Isaac Bryan, D-Los Angeles, who...
Mientras el estado se prepara para cerrar sus prisiones juveniles, los trabajadores de la División de Justicia Juvenil podrían recibir bonos de hasta $50,000 para permanecer en el trabajo hasta ese entonces, según pudo saber CalMatters. Si se aprueba, el bono parece estar entre los más grandes que ofrece...
As the state prepares to close its youth prisons, workers for the Division of Juvenile Justice could receive up to $50,000 bonuses to stay on the job until then, CalMatters has learned. If approved, the bonus appears to be among the largest offered by the state to retain a...
SEIU The cry for “Union Rights” was heard far and wide on Labor Day 2017 as union members and workers across the country declared it a National Day of Action saying “No” to a rigged economy and a resounding “Yes” to worker’s rights. For more than a century the...