As anticipated, the administration of President Donald Trump has intensified its “targeted” immigration policy actions with detentions in cities like Chicago and repatriations in military aircraft. The priority of immigration agencies like the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are those migrants who represent a risk to public safety or...
Mientras el presidente electo Donald Trump anuncia a personas de línea dura en materia de inmigración como su subjefe de gabinete y zar fronterizo la semana después de las elecciones, los grupos que apoyan a los estudiantes universitarios indocumentados en California prometen defender los derechos de las personas. Las...
As President-elect Donald Trump announces immigration hard-liners as his deputy chief of staff and border czar the week after the election, groups supporting undocumented college students in California are vowing to stand up for people’s rights. Golden State colleges serve 83,000 undocumented students, according to the Higher Ed Immigration Portal....
Alejandra Reyes-Velarde CalMatters The California Public Utilities Commission issued a proposed decision last week that all Californians should have access to a state cell phone service subsidy program, even if they don’t have a Social Security number or can’t immediately provide one. Earlier this year, CalMatters reported that the LifeLine application still asks...
Ana B. Ibarra CalMatters Dos legisladores de California se enfrentaron públicamente a principios de este mes, tocando un punto sensible en un tema que ha dividido durante mucho tiempo a los funcionarios electos del estado: si se debe ofrecer beneficios de salud subsidiados por el gobierno a los residentes indocumentados y...
Ana B. Ibarra CalMatters Two California lawmakers publicly blew up at each other earlier this month, hitting a nerve on an issue that has long-divided the state’s elected leaders: Whether and how much to offer government-subsidized health benefits to undocumented residents. In one corner, Corona Assemblymember Bill Essayli declared that he wanted...
Kristen Hwang CalMatters Perla López le entrega un montón de papeles a Baudeilio, un inmigrante indocumentado y jornalero de 44 años. Ella acaba de ayudarlo a solicitar Medi-Cal en el centro de beneficios de St. John’s Community Health en el sur de Los Ángeles. “Si ve algo del condado...
Kristen Hwang CalMatters Perla Lopez hands a stack of papers to Baudeilio, a 44-year-old undocumented immigrant and day laborer. She has just helped him apply for Medi-Cal at the benefits center at St. John’s Community Health’s in South Los Angeles. “If you see anything you don’t understand from the...
Mikhail Zinshteyn CalMatters Cada año, más de 35.000 estudiantes indocumentados que sueñan con obtener un título universitario en California solicitan el programa de ayuda financiera del estado, el Cal Grant, pero sólo alrededor de un tercio lo reciben. Sin acceso a ayuda financiera federal y pocas oportunidades laborales, perder...