Arturo Hilario El Observador En una galaxia muy, muy lejana, existe un vecindario y niños que parecen terriblemente familiares a los que se encuentran en la película de 1985 The Goonies. Al incorporar la comedia de aventuras para niños con los peligrosos piratas espaciales y experiencias increíbles más allá...
Arturo Hilario El Observador In a galaxy, far, far away there exists a neighborhood and children that seem awfully familiar to those found in the 1985 film The Goonies. Incorporating children’s adventure comedy with the dangerous space pirates and incredible experiences beyond their neatly kept streets, the new live-action...
Un sistema de energía solar en el techo recién instalado ayudará a la Clínica Gratuita de Simi Valley a mantener sus puertas abiertas y las luces encendidas para los pacientes desfavorecidos de la zona. Las instalaciones del condado de Ventura atienden anualmente a más de 10,000 residentes de bajos...
A newly installed rooftop solar power system will help the Free Clinic of Simi Valley keep its doors open and the lights on for the area’s disadvantaged patients. The Ventura County facility annually serves more than 10,000 uninsured or underinsured, low-income residents. Funding for the project was provided through a grant...
Carolyn Jones CalMatters In this politically charged era, there’s one thing both parties agree on: the benefits of high school career pathways. With strong bipartisan support, career and technical education programs are poised to be a centerpiece of education policy over the next few years — both federally and...
Casi 6,5 millones de californianos con Medicare pueden cambiar su plan durante el período de inscripción abierta, que acaba de comenzar y se extenderá hasta el 7 de diciembre. Las personas pueden visitar Medicare.gov o llamar al 1-800-Medicare. Stephanie Fajuri, directora de programas del Centro para los Derechos de...
Nearly 6.5 million Californians on Medicare can change their plan during the open enrollment period, which just got underway and runs through Dec. 7. People can go to Medicare.gov or call 1-800-Medicare. Stephanie Fajuri, program director at the Center for Health Care Rights in Los Angeles County, said the number one...
Shirley N. Weber, Ph.D. & Francisco J. Silva, Esq. Ethnic Media Services As we observe National Civic Health Month every August, we are reminded that the power of voting extends far beyond the ballot box. It is the foundation of a healthier and more equitable society. Civic Health Month...
Teatro Visión This month at the Mexican Heritage Plaza, Teatro Visión will present Francisco Jiménez’s acclaimed memoirs of his youth as a child of migrant workers, La Mariposa and Breaking Through, adapted for the stage by Leo Cortez. As the company’s annual youth production, the show stars a cast...