Teatro Visión presents Francisco Jiménez’s La Mariposa and Breaking Through

Teatro Visión
Photo Credit: Christian Pizzirani

Teatro Visión

This month at the Mexican Heritage Plaza, Teatro Visión will present Francisco Jiménez’s acclaimed memoirs of his youth as a child of migrant workers, La Mariposa and Breaking Through, adapted for the stage by Leo Cortez. As the company’s annual youth production, the show stars a cast of 17 local young actors, ages 10 to 19 and is perfect for all ages.

La Mariposa director Ricardo Cortés says, “As a director and theater lover, I want children to have the experience of theater in a professional and committed way, giving voice to a compelling story that directly relates them to their Latin community. For me it is important that they live the experience of creating art from their own essence, abilities and imagination and that when facing an audience, they not only transmit a beautiful message, but recognize the power they have as art creators.”

Jiménez’s memoirs have become important staples of school curricula and youth literature in the South Bay and across the world. His story of his youth as a child of migrant workers growing up in California has resonated across generations, in its message of love, determination, and the importance of one’s mentors.

In the words of Teatro Visión Artistic Director Rodrigo García, “Francisco Jiménez’s stories have remained relevant throughout the time, because they have been written con el corazón, in a very honest and candid way. These stories portray the struggles and tribulations of the Jiménez family as immigrants in the United States, and they never allow the protagonist Panchito to become a victim, but rather focus on his journey to self-determination and identity pride.”

The novels are presented as two one-act plays performed together—La Mariposa in Spanish and Breaking Through in English. Both plays include projected supertitles in English and in Spanish.

In La Mariposa, a young Panchito arrives in the U.S. with his family, and finds his way amid a life of constant moving and in a school where he doesn’t understand a word his teacher says. As he watches his classroom caterpillar transform into a butterfly, he too begins to learn to spread his wings.

Breaking Through follows him to his teenage years, where Panchito comes to love school and reading. A dream to become a teacher awakens in him. But when his responsibility to his family clashes against his own desires, he must navigate the competing priorities that face him.

As for all productions at Teatro Visión, who prioritize financial accessibility for their community, tickets are sold on a choose-your-own-price basis, $10-40. Learn more and buy tickets at www.teatrovision.org/breakingthrough.

La Mariposa and Breaking Through are a part of 40 años, 40 eventos, which is Teatro Visión’s 40th anniversary event series.

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