Esta semana hace dos años, Estados Unidos hizo la mayor inversión jamás realizada en la lucha contra el cambio climático cuando la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación se convirtió en ley. El lunes, los grupos que luchan contra el cambio climático celebraron una conferencia de prensa para celebrar...
Two years ago this week, the U.S. made the biggest investment ever in the fight against climate change as the Inflation Reduction Act became law. On Monday, groups fighting climate change held a news conference to celebrate the progress made so far. Last year, tax credits in the new law spurred...
Los defensores de los niños están criticando una propuesta presupuestaria para recortar fondos para Head Start, el programa que ofrece educación preescolar gratuita para niños de familias de bajos ingresos. Es parte de la batalla presupuestaria en el Congreso, que debe aprobar un presupuesto o una resolución continua antes...
Children’s advocates are slamming a budget proposal to slash funds for Head Start, the program providing free preschool for children in low-income families. It is part of the budget battle in Congress, which has to pass a budget or a continuing resolution by Friday to avoid a government shutdown. Melanee Cottrill,...
Es la temporada de listas de cosas que hacer para el regreso a la escuela y hay una tarea que es importante tachar: un chequeo médico para asegurarse de que su hijo/a esté al día con las vacunas de rutina. Después de un verano de diversiones, las vacunas de...
It is the season of “back-to-school” checklists, and there is one task that is important to cross off: a checkup to ensure your child is caught up on their routine vaccinations. After a summer of fun, routine vaccines can help make sure your child’s immune system is well prepared...
Nearly six decades after its creation, Medicare continues to provide a health-care safety net for older Americans. On July 30, 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Medicare and Medicaid Act into law – providing health insurance for people age 65 and older through the Medicare program. State Director of...
Starting in April, an estimated 2-3 million people could be dropped from Medi-Cal, the state’s health insurance program for low-income people. For three years during COVID, terminations were halted, but Congress recently voted to de-link the program from the Public Health Emergency. So California will have 14 months to re-evaluate eligibility for...