Yue Stella Yu CalMatters En la carrera ferozmente competitiva para convertirse en la próxima senadora estadounidense de California, Barbara Lee no ha sido la candidata del momento. Lee, rezagado en las encuestas, fue ignorada en gran medida por los demás contendientes durante tres debates televisados. Su campaña, que lucha...
Yue Stella Yu CalMatters In the fiercely competitive race to become California’s next U.S. senator, Barbara Lee has hardly been the candidate of the hour. Lagging in polls, Lee was largely ignored by the other contenders during three televised debates. Her campaign — struggling to fundraise — does not...
A medida que surgen esfuerzos para proporcionar un ingreso garantizado en California, un legislador que ha presionado por tales programas piloto financiados por el estado ha puesto su mirada en otra población que, según él, debería beneficiarse: los estudiantes de último año de secundaria de bajos ingresos al borde...
As efforts to provide a guaranteed income spring up around California, a lawmaker who has pushed for such state-funded pilot programs has set his sights on another population he says should benefit — low-income high school seniors on the brink of adulthood. State Sen. Dave Cortese, a Democrat from...
María Elena Durazo, senadora demócrata de Los Ángeles, está renovando la lucha por un permiso familiar remunerado equitativo, con la esperanza de que sea una opción realista para más californianos de bajos ingresos. Después de que el gobernador Newsom vetó un proyecto de ley similar el otoño pasado que...
María Elena Durazo, a Democratic senator from Los Angeles, is renewing the fight for equitable paid family leave, hoping to make it a realistic option for more low-income Californians. After Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoed a similar bill last fall that would have increased wage replacement pay for the lowest...
Hilbert Morales EL OBSERVADOR It is very gratifying to see evidence that this nation’s diverse people have the ability to relate many public policy issues to their core values which are coupled to their personal moral compass! Alabama’s Senator Richard Selby used his personal MORAL COMPASS when he wrote...
de León Calls Out U.S. Education Secretary DeVos for Repeal of Obama-Era Protections SACRAMENTO – In a letter released Tuesday October 10th to U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Senate President pro Tempore Kevin de Leon vowed California would resist federal policies that “tip the scale of justice” against victims of campus sexual...
SB 100 Now Heads to the Assembly Natural Resources Committee on SACRAMENTO – The Assembly Committee on Utilities and Energy on Wednesday July 12, 2017, approved Senate Bill 100, by Senate President pro Tempore Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles), which will set California on a path to 100 percent...