Nakia Cooper Ethnic Media Services Todos los ojos estarán puestos en el Capitolio durante los próximos días mientras los legisladores sopesan los pros y los contras de H.R. 7109, un proyecto de ley controvertido que, según muchos, podría afectar negativamente el futuro de la representación y la integridad del...
Nakia Cooper Ethnic Media Services All eyes are on Capitol Hill over the coming days as lawmakers weigh the pros and cons of H.R. 7109, a controversial bill that many say could negatively impact the future of representation and census integrity nationwide. H.R. 7109, dubbed The Equal Representation Act,...
Arturo Hilario El Observador Todo comenzó cuando Kelsey Mann le preguntó al director de Inside Out y actual director creativo de Pixar, Pete Docter, una pregunta que había estado en su mente desde el final de la película de 2015. En un momento de la película, el gran tablero...
Arturo Hilario El Observador It started out with Kelsey Mann asking Inside Out Director and current Pixar Chief Creative Officer Pete Docter a question that had been on his mind since the ending of the 2015 film. At one point in the film the large control board the emotions...
Hilbert Morales EL OBSERVADOR If President Trump agreed to listen to you without interruption for 15 minutes, what would you say? One individual said, “I would not waste my time because Trump does not listen to anyone like me who would tell him what he does not want to...