Edward Kissam Ethnic Media Services La rápida aprobación por parte de la Cámara de la Ley Laken Riley (H.R. 29) es un indicador preocupante del deterioro continuo en la toma de decisiones del Congreso que resulta en leyes disfuncionales. Su apoyo entre los demócratas sugiere que en este nuevo...
Edward Kissam Ethnic Media Services The House’s lightspeed passage of the Laken Riley Act (H.R. 29) is a worrisome indicator of the ongoing decay in Congressional decision-making that results in dysfunctional laws. It’s support among Democrats suggests that in this new political climate, few are willing to stand in...
Despite having lost the November 2024 presidential election against Donald Trump, Kamala Harris this week gave a lesson in democracy by leading the election certification of Donald Trump’s legitimate victory. “I do believe very strongly that America’s democracy is only as strong as our willingness to fight for, every...
A pesar de haber perdido las elecciones presidenciales de noviembre de 2024 frente a Donald Trump, Kamala Harris dio esta semana una lección de democracia al encabezar la calificación del legítimo triunfo de Donald Trump. “Creo firmemente que la democracia de Estados Unidos es tan fuerte como nuestra voluntad...
Desde las elecciones, se ha hablado mucho de lo que pasó en California. Los titulares proclamaban que California se había desviado hacia la derecha y que nuestros valores de inclusión y cuidado eran los culpables. Tanto los demócratas centristas como los analistas conservadores afirman que el Partido Demócrata se...
Since the election, there has been a lot of finger-wagging about what happened in California. Headlines proclaimed that California shifted to the right, that our values of inclusion and care are to blame. Centrist Democrats and conservative pundits alike claim the Democratic Party has gone too far to the...
Aún faltan 5 semanas para el cambio de gobierno en los Estados Unidos, el mediodía del 20 de enero de 2025. Pero las primeras secuelas del próximo gobierno de Donald Trump ya se sienten con intensidad en muchas partes. Una ola de temor se ha desatado en millones de hogares, especialmente entre familias “mixtas”, aquellas donde cohabitan...
There are still 5 weeks to go until the change of government in the United States, at noon on January 20, 2025. But the first consequences of the next government of Donald Trump are already being felt intensely in many places. A wave of fear has been unleashed in...
With just a few weeks from returning to power, Donald Trump has revived a controversial and divisive idea: eliminating birthright citizenship for the children of undocumented immigrants born in the United States. “We’re going to have to change it. We may have to go back to the people,” Trump...