Los dolores de cabeza y los olores químicos persistentes del fuerte descarrilamiento de un tren en East Palestine, Ohio, han dejado a los residentes preocupados por su aire y agua, y la información errónea en las redes sociales no ha ayudado. Los funcionarios estatales ofrecieron más detalles del proceso...
Headaches and lingering chemical smells from a fiery train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, have left residents worried about their air and water – and misinformation on social media hasn’t helped. State officials offered more details of the cleanup process and a timeline of the environmental disaster during a news conference on Feb....
As the country reels with the highest levels of inflation seen since the 1980s, experts say without adding more workers, wage increases could drive prices – and inflation – even higher in Ohio and across the U.S. While many future jobs will be taken by youths aging into the...
Mientras que el país se tambalea con los niveles más altos de inflación vistos desde los años 1980, los expertos dicen que sin agregar más trabajadores, los aumentos de salario podrían impulsar los precios, y la inflación, aún más en Ohio y en todo EE. UU. Si bien muchos...
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Jessica Molina of Perrysburg says she was inspired as a child by the spirit of activism, as she watched her parents participate in rallies and protests advocating for the rights of farm workers. Now, as the principal of the only bilingual elementary school in Toledo, Escuela Smart...
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Jessica Molina de Perrysburg dice que cuando era niña se sintió inspirada por el espíritu de activismo, mientras veía a sus padres participar en mítines y protestas que abogaban por los derechos de los trabajadores agrícolas. Ahora, como directora de la única escuela primaria bilingüe en...
Hilbert Morales EL OBSERVADOR Dear Mr. Donald J. Trump: When I read the caption “TRUMP BASHES LeBron James Before Ohio Rally” (SF Chronicle, Sunday, August 8, 2018, page A11), I decided to tell you the following: You were not speaking to the American People as their “President”, but as...
Mary Kuhlman Public News Service COLUMBUS, Ohio – Historic changes to one of the nation’s foremost anti-hunger programs will be debated today in the U.S. House Agriculture Committee. After its release just last week, the House of Representatives’ version of the 2018 Farm Bill is expected to move swiftly through the...