Las inundaciones previstas por la escorrentía primaveral en el valle de San Joaquín amenazan esta región agrícola vital. Nota del editor: La serie de tormentas devastadoras que sacó a California de su sequía de una década el invierno pasado también dejó partes del estado bajo el agua. En el...
Editor’s Note: The series of devastating storms that brought California out of its decade long drought this past winter also left parts of the state underwater. In the San Joaquin Valley, the flooding has led to the reemergence of Tulare Lake, once the largest freshwater body west of the...
Esta historia apareció originalmente en el Informe de Salud de California. ¿Cuándo se considera a un estudiante sin hogar? La definición de personas sin hogar entre los estudiantes de K-12 se establece en la Ley de Asistencia para Personas sin Hogar McKinney-Vento, una ley federal que detalla la ayuda...
This story originally appeared in the California Health Report. When is a student considered homeless? The definition of homelessness among K-12 students is laid out in the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, a federal law that details the help public schools must give unstably housed children. That includes students living in...
As children grow up, parents and caregivers across California face the difficult decision of how to oversee social media use. But is that decision made harder by a lack of legal protections for children in the Golden State? Marc Berkman is CEO of the California-based nonprofit Organization for Social...