Arturo Hilario El Observador SHREK THE MUSICAL cast member Cynthia Ana Rivera (Mama Bear/ Dragon US) has been in three versions of a Shrek musical in her life. The first was in sophomore year of high school where the dancer thought it would be fun to perform in. After...
Arturo Hilario El Observador Durante el primer año de la pandemia de COVID-19, Brian Quijada pasó por los momentos más bajos de ser un artista sin ningún lugar donde actuar. Mientras la gente se quedaba en casa, los teatros y los locales permanecían inactivos y él se preguntaba qué...
Arturo Hilario El Observador During the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic Brian Quijada was going through the lows of being an artist with nowhere to perform. While people stayed in, theaters and venues stayed dormant and he paced around wondering what would come next for his artistic pursuits....
Arturo Hilario El Observador On the Mean Girls stage, the clique known as The Plastics wear pink every show and are beloved by everyone at their high school. That is everyone except for Janis Sarkisian, the rebellious spitfire that was famously portrayed by Lizzy Caplan in the 2004 comedy...
Arturo Hilario El Observador Chicago es un deslumbrante musical ambientado en la Ciudad de los Vientos durante la década de 1920, donde los clubes llenos de humo y las sensacionales historias de amor y crimen van acompañadas de luces brillantes y una partitura de jazz. Al regresar al Centro...
Arturo Hilario El Observador Chicago is a dazzling musical set in the Windy City during the 1920s, where smoky clubs and sensational stories of love and crime are accompanied by bright lights and a jazzy score. Returning to the San Jose Center for the Performing Arts from February 23–25,...
Arturo Hilario El Observador The Temptations es el grupo vocal icónico que comenzó su ecléctica carrera en Detroit en la década de 1960, y es muy probable que hayas oído hablar de ellos a través de sus principales éxitos, que incluyen “My Girl”, “Just My Imagination” y “Papa Was...
Arturo Hilario El Observador The Temptations are the iconic vocal group which began their eclectic career in 1960s Detroit, and there’s a good chance you’ve heard of them through their top hits which include “My Girl”, “Just My Imagination”, and “Papa Was A Rollin’ Stone”. To this day the...
Teatro Visión’s 11th annual Día de los Muertos play, La Muerte Baila by Rebecca Martinez and the Milagro Ensemble, is a heartwarming story about forgiveness, about remembrance, and about choosing how we live our lives, playing October 12-22 at the Mexican Heritage Plaza. The play follows a recently departed...