Adam Echelman CalMatters Grizzled farmworkers are the hot new commodity as community colleges try to reverse a years-long enrollment decline. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the “golden age” of higher education — where more and more adults were attending college every year — came to a halt, and California’s...
Joe Hong & Erica Yee A la mitad de un día escolar en febrero, el salón de clases de sexto grado de Theresa Griffin en Stege Elementary está más caótico que de costumbre. En la pizarra blanca, Griffin escribe los nombres de los estudiantes habladores que se quedarán después...
Joe Hong & Erica Yee CalMatters Halfway through a chilly school day in February, Theresa Griffin’s sixth grade classroom at Stege Elementary is more chaotic than usual. On the white board, Griffin writes the names of talkative students who will be staying behind after the lunch bell rings. A...
Durante la pandemia, los colegios comunitarios de California perdieron el 19 % de su inscripción. Pero, como muestra un nuevo informe, un punado de escuelas fue lo opuesto a esta tendencia. Los investigadores de Campaign for College Opportunity descubrieron que algunas escuelas tuvieron perdidas menores o incluso agregaron estudiantes al...
During the pandemic, California community colleges lost 19% of their enrollment, but as a new report found, a handful of schools bucked the trend. Researchers with the Campaign for College Opportunity found some schools had smaller losses or even added students by focusing on equity and expanding outreach. Colleen Moore, higher-education...