Los legisladores de Arizona esperan poder facilitar que los políticos emprendan acciones legales a medida que aumenta el uso de deepfakes durante las campañas electorales. El Proyecto de Ley 2394 de la Camara de Representantes podría allanar el camino para que los candidatos, y los ciudadanos de Arizona en general, impugnen...
Arizona lawmakers are hoping to make it easier for politicians to take legal action as the use of deepfakes increases during election campaigns. House Bill 2394 could pave the way for candidates, and Arizonans at large, to challenge digital impersonations if they can prove the material was produced without consent...
Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk La Circulación Meridional del Atlántico (AMOC, por sus siglas en inglés), también conocida como “Corriente del Golfo”, es un sistema vital de corrientes oceánicas impulsado por las diferencias de temperatura y salinidad en distintos lugares y profundidades. Los vientos y las mareas impulsan...
Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)—aka the “Gulf Stream”—is a vital system of ocean currents, driven by temperature and salinity disparities at various locales and depths. Warm surface waters are propelled poleward by winds and tides. At the poles, the water cools, forming...
Soundbite Services BOSTON — As schools begin summer break, environmental groups are urging public officials to take swift action to “get the lead out” of drinking water in schools. A new interactive map by Environment America and U.S. PIRG (Public Interest Research Group) shows lead contamination in the tap water...
Suzanne Potter California News Service OAKLAND, Calif. – The issue of childhood lead poisoning is getting fresh attention after the recent release of an investigative series by KALW Radio in San Francisco. Reuters data shows about 2 percent of California’s children have high rates of lead in their blood...