Este año entrarán en vigor dos nuevas leyes diseñadas para proteger a los consumidores de California: tomar medidas enérgicas contra las suscripciones difíciles de cancelar y ciertos tipos de comisiones bancarias. El proyecto de ley 2863 de la Asamblea, que entrará en vigor el 1 de julio, exigirá que...
Two new laws designed to protect California consumers take effect this year – cracking down on hard-to-cancel subscriptions and certain types of bank fees. Assembly bill 2863 – which takes effect July 1 – will require subscription services to be as easy to cancel as they are to sign onto....
Nigel Duara CalMatters Gov. Gavin Newsom, still stinging from a public defeat last month, signed a package of bills on August 16 that he and lawmakers pledged will combat rising retail theft. The 10 bills are intended to make it easier to prosecute people suspected of retail and vehicle theft without...
The chaos and confusion surrounding the hastily introduced and controversial anti-immigrant legislation in Texas, SB4, grew Tuesday night when a federal court blocked the implementation of the legislation after the Supreme Court of Justice had paved the way to enforce it. A Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals panel issued...
Nigel Duara CalMatters Las personas condenadas por distribuir fentanilo se enfrentarán a penas penales más severas el próximo año en virtud de una nueva ley determinada por el aumento de las muertes por sobredosis. La ley aumenta la pena por vender o distribuir más de un kilogramo de fentanilo añadiendo...
Nigel Duara CalMatters People convicted of distributing fentanyl will face stiffer criminal penalties in the coming year under a new law shaped by rising overdose deaths. The law increases the penalty for selling or distributing more than one kilogram of fentanyl by an automatic addition of three years to the original...
Lynn La CalMatters Dos nuevas leyes que entrarán en vigor el 1 de enero podrían afectar la seguridad en las carreteras de California. Las cámaras en las intersecciones de California ya señalan a los conductores que se saltan los semáforos en rojo. Según una ley, seis ciudades pueden iniciar un...
Lynn La CalMatters Two new laws taking effect Jan. 1 could affect safety on California’s roads. Cameras at intersections across California already flag drivers who run red lights. Under one law, six cities can begin a pilot program to catch and fine speeding drivers with cameras, with hopes to curb...
Department of Motor Vehicles Sacramento – The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) wants Californians to be aware of several new laws taking effect in the new year. The laws listed below take effect on January 1, 2024, unless otherwise noted. Advancing Modernization and Customer Service Driver’s License Renewal...