Indigenous leaders are asking California Gov. Gavin Newsom to sign a bill that would allow federally recognized tribes to sign agreements with the state to co-manage and co-govern ancestral lands and waters. Assembly Bill 1284 unanimously passed both houses of the state Legislature this week. Scott Sullivan is vice chairman of...
Arturo Hilario El Observador Otro verano termina y otro Festival de Música y Arte de Outside Lands también llegó y se fue. En su decimosexto año, el festival continúa atrayendo a cientos de miles de personas al reino a veces soleado y a veces brumoso del Golden Gate Park...
Arturo Hilario El Observador Another summer ends, and another Outside Lands Music and Arts Festival has come and gone as well. In its sixteenth year, the festival continues to attract hundreds of thousands of people into the sometimes sunny, and sometimes misty realm of Golden Gate Park in San...
Los grupos conservacionistas están haciendo circular una petición pidiendo a los federales que otorguen pases de “Estados Unidos, los Hermosos Parques Nacionales y Tierras Recreativas” a los nuevos ciudadanos en su ceremonia de naturalización. Los miembros del grupo Green Latinos se han reunido con varias agencias federales para presentar...
Conservation groups are circulating a petition asking the feds to give “America the Beautiful National Parks and Recreation Lands” passes to new citizens at their naturalization ceremony. Members of the group Green Latinos have met with multiple federal agencies to pitch the idea. Louis Medina, communications and philanthropy director with the...
Outside Lands, the Bay Area’s globally renowned festival, returns for its Sweet 16, celebrating the finest music, food, art and cannabis in Golden Gate Park on August 9 – 11. The festival continues to offer the premiere fan experience in North America by pushing boundaries with booking prowess, exemplary...
Arturo Hilario El Observador La vibra positiva en el aire, los árboles alineados como barrera entre una de las ciudades más populares del mundo y la 250k personas que forman parte de la comunidad de Outside Lands cada verano. Para su décimo quinto aniversario, el festival continúa haciendo lo...
Arturo Hilario El Observador The cool chill in the air, the trees lining the festival as a border between one of the most popular cities in the world and the 250k people that become part of the community of Outside Lands every summer. For its fifteenth-year anniversary, the festival...
The wait for Outside Lands 2023 is almost over and now fans can officially start planning with set times via the Outside Lands mobile app or website. Fans can bounce between the many stages of the festival to see their favorite acts perform. Those attending can choose from the website or download the festival app for the...