health insurance

  • Reporte: California pierde terreno en la lucha por asegurar a niñas y niños

    SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Un nuevo reporte de la Universidad Georgetown encontró un gran incremento en la tasa de niñas y niños no-asegurados en California: entre 2016 y 2019, encontró un fuerte aumento en la tasa de niñas y niños de California sin seguro, 11.3% antes de la pandemia. Luego de décadas...
  • Report: CA Loses Ground in Quest to Get Kids Insured

    SACRAMENTO, Calif. — After decades of gains in getting California kids health insurance coverage, the trend has reversed in the first three years of the Trump administration, according to a new report. Researchers from the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families found in 2019, 334,000 California children remained uninsured, the...
  • Los federales suavizan silenciosamente las restricciones sobre la inscripción en ACA

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. – El gobierno federal ha cambiado discretamente una política que podría facilitar que algunos residentes se inscriban en un seguro médico. Anteriormente, los trabajadores tenían solo 60 días después de perder su cobertura médica basada en el trabajo para inscribirse en planes de mercado en Cheryl...
  • Feds Quietly Loosen Restrictions on ACA Enrollment

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. — The federal government has quietly changed a policy that could make it easier for some residents to sign up for health insurance. Previously, workers had only 60 days after losing their job-based health coverage to sign up for marketplace plans on Cheryl Fish-Parcham, director of...
  • CA Children’s Health Insurance at Risk as Congress Fails to Fund It

    Suzanne Potter California News Service SACRAMENTO, Calif. – It’s been almost a month since Congress let funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program run out – and now, the State of California says the program known as CHIP will go broke at the end of December. The California Department...
  • Will Trump Executive Order Undermine Health-Insurance Markets?

    Suzanne Potter California News Service SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Some California groups are predicting that President Trump’s new executive order on health care could undermine health-insurance markets and lead to higher premiums for many people. The order, issued Thursday, directs federal agencies to loosen regulations, to allow small businesses to band together...
  • National Universal Health Care Policy May Be Possible

    Hilbert Morales EL OBSERVADOR According to Rachel Maddow’s commentary (MSNBC 04.02.17, President Trump made a public statement favoring America’s having a ‘universal health care plan’ with a single payor. The U.S. Congress needs to take advantage of this ‘very reasonable statement’ by acting like a non-partisan deliberative body which...
  • Open Enrollment Ends on Sunday

    Suzanne Potter / California News Service LOS ANGELES – If you want to sign up for health insurance and get help paying for it you only have until Sunday to get it done. The healthcare marketplace’s annual open enrollment period closes Jan. 31 and won’t reopen until the fall. If...
  • CA Leads the Nation in Insuring Latino Children

    Suzanne Potter / California News Service SACRAMENTO, Calif. – California leads the nation in enrolling Latino children in health insurance, thanks in large part to massive outreach efforts and to the state’s expansion of Medi-Cal under the Affordable Care Act. A report from the Georgetown Center for Children and Families,...