Khari Johnson CalMatters California lawmakers took a key vote on August 28 to pass a controversial bill that requires companies that make or modify powerful forms of artificial intelligence to test for their ability to enable critical harm to society. Following a 32-1 vote in the Senate in May, the Assembly...
Los defensores de los niños están criticando una propuesta presupuestaria para recortar fondos para Head Start, el programa que ofrece educación preescolar gratuita para niños de familias de bajos ingresos. Es parte de la batalla presupuestaria en el Congreso, que debe aprobar un presupuesto o una resolución continua antes...
Children’s advocates are slamming a budget proposal to slash funds for Head Start, the program providing free preschool for children in low-income families. It is part of the budget battle in Congress, which has to pass a budget or a continuing resolution by Friday to avoid a government shutdown. Melanee Cottrill,...
Arturo Hilario El Observador La franquicia de la película Scream comenzó con una fatídica llamada telefónica en 1996. Desde la ingeniosa primera escena protagonizada por Drew Barrymore, la serie ha sido un elemento básico de terror dinámico que se convirtió en un género por derecho propio. Iniciada por el...
Arturo Hilario El Observador The Scream film franchise started with one fateful phone call in 1996. Since the inventive first scene starring Drew Barrymore, the series has been a dynamic horror staple which became a genre in its own right. Started by filmmaker Wes Craven, each subsequent film continues...