July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about the challenges ethnic and racial minorities face when it comes to mental health care. The Food and Drug Administration says barriers include a lack of health insurance and less access to treatment. Lisa Pion-Berlin, president and CEO...
El mes pasado, un hombre de California fue sentenciado a cuatro años de prisión por ser el cerebro detrás de las estafas románticas – en el que recibió cientos de miles de dólares de dos ancianas de Arizona, según la Oficina del Fiscal General de Arizona. One local group...
Just last month, a California man was sentenced to four years in prison for being the mastermind behind romance scams – in which he received hundreds of thousands of dollars from two elderly Arizona women – according to the Arizona Attorney General’s Office. One local group is sounding the alarm....
Adam Echelman CalMatters Grizzled farmworkers are the hot new commodity as community colleges try to reverse a years-long enrollment decline. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the “golden age” of higher education — where more and more adults were attending college every year — came to a halt, and California’s...
Las encuestas muestran que tres de cada cuatro estadounidenses mayores de 50 años quieren envejecer en su casa, pero el cambio climático puede hacer que esto sea difícil y costoso. El próximo martes, A-A-R-P celebrara un debate comunitario en línea sobre la adaptación al cambio climático. David Azevedo, de AARP California,...
Surveys show that 3 in 4 Americans older than 50 want to age in place, but climate change can make that difficult – and expensive. Next Tuesday, AARP is holding an online community conversation about adapting to climate change. David Azevedo, associate director with AARP California, said making homes more climate...
The holidays can be stressful, and our deeply divided political times can make it harder to see family. But efforts across the country are happening to bridge the gap in our differences. One such effort is from the organization Braver Angels, a national nonprofit that holds events in Washington and...
Un grupo de vigilancia por la democracia de Nevada dice que las redes sociales, los blogs, los sitios web y las organizaciones de noticias hiperpartidistas están trabajando horas extras para difundir desinformación en un esfuerzo por influir en las elecciones de mitad de periodo en noviembre. Una de las...
A Nevada democracy watchdog group said social media, blogs, websites and hyperpartisan news organizations are all working overtime to spread disinformation in an effort to influence the midterm elections in November. One debunked claim said voting machine algorithms are changing votes, which has driven two Nevada counties to move...