In each electoral cycle we hear the chant that Hispanics will be the decisive factor in the presidential elections. And it is correct. We have the potential as long as Hispanic US citizens over the age of 18 register and vote, by mail or in person. In 2024 we...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services As a worsening opioid epidemic ranks among California’s most challenging crises, the Sierra Health Center is reducing harm through care over criminalization. At a Thursday, January 18 briefing co-hosted by EMS and Sierra Health on the occasion of its 10th anniversary, three leaders of...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services El riesgo de ser estafado al comprar un automóvil – la compra más alta que hacen muchos consumidores sin comprar una casa – puede ser tan estresante como el riesgo de un choque en cadena. En una sesión informativa del viernes 15 de diciembre...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services The risk of getting scammed when buying a car — the highest purchase many consumers make short of a house — can be as stressful as the risk of a pile-up commute. At a Friday, December 15 briefing hosted by Ethnic Media Services and...
Marisa Kendall CalMatters Among the most difficult addictions to witness at San Francisco general hospital’s drug clinic is methamphetamine, which leaves users tearing at their skin and unable to eat, sleep or sign up for help. The worst part: The clinic workers largely are powerless because unlike with opioid...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services La semana pasada se registró la temperatura global más alta de la historia, según los Centros Nacionales de Predicción Medioambiental de Estados Unidos. Pero mientras el calor extremo azota a cada vez más regiones de Estados Unidos, en el condado de Imperial sigue siendo...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services This past week saw the hottest global temperature ever recorded, according to the US National Centers for Environmental Prediction. But while extreme heat hits ever-new regions of the United States, in Imperial County it remains par for the course. The region, located on California’s...
Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk A raíz de la cumbre climática mundial en Glasgow, las naciones de todo el mundo no solo están reflexionando sobre sí mismas, sino que también esperan que otros carguen con su peso mientras tratamos desesperadamente de evitar que el planeta se caliente. China...
Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk In the wake of the global climate summit in Glasgow, nations across the globe are not only self-reflecting, but also expecting others to carry their weight as we desperately try to keep the planet from warming. China is a common target for criticism...