SILICON VALLEY — The Cinequest Film & Creative Festival returns this March 7-17th promising an extraordinary cinematic experience that merges the worlds of storytelling and technology. Returning to its palatial San Jose venues and flagship time of year, the program is a testament to Cinequest’s 2024 theme of “Uplift” through the potent combination of...
Arturo Hilario El Observador El Cinequest Film & Creativity Festival tendrá un último retozo bajo el sol de verano antes de regresar a su fecha habitual de marzo el próximo año. Del 15 al 30 de agosto, el festival que albergará 253 películas estará en San José durante la...
Arturo Hilario El Observador The Cinequest Film & Creativity Festival will have one last romp in the summer sun before returning to its usual March date next year. Taking place August 15-30, the festival that will host 253 films, red carpet premieres and discussions on artificial intelligence will be...
Arturo Hilario El Observador The warm mornings that burn off into cool crisp nights returned to festival goers this year as Outside Lands made its return to a more regularly scheduled August timeline. It was only 10 months ago that the special Halloween version which took place on the...
Arturo Hilario El Observador Este año, la pantalla de plata vuelve a iluminarse en el centro de San José. Del 16 al 29 de agosto, el célebre festival de cine Cinequest vuelve a celebrarse en persona después de haber cerrado abruptamente en marzo de 2020 debido a lo que...
Arturo Hilario El Observador The silver screen is lighting up once again in downtown San Jose this year. From August 16-29, celebrated film festival Cinequest is back in person after abruptly shutting down in March of 2020 due to what was then referred to as the novel coronavirus. Being...
Los arrestos de 31 supremacistas blancos fuera de un festival del Orgullo en el norte de Idaho sacudieron al país durante el fin de semana. Es solo una parte de un aumento mayor en el extremismo de extrema derecha. El grupo involucrado se conoce como Patriot Front, que cambió...
Outside Lands Another Planet Entertainment, Superfly y Starr Hill Presents no continuarán con la edición originalmente programada para 2020 de Outside Lands en Golden Gate Park en agosto, debido a la pandemia de COVID-19. Sin embargo, los organizadores han confirmado que el festival volverá del 6 al 8 de...
Outside Lands Another Planet Entertainment, Superfly, and Starr Hill Presents will not proceed with the originally scheduled 2020 edition of Outside Lands in Golden Gate Park this August, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, organizers have confirmed the festival will return August 6-8, 2021, revealing the lineup for next...