La administración Biden aprobó hoy el mandato innovador de California de eliminar gradualmente los nuevos automóviles a gasolina, apenas unas semanas antes de que la administración entrante de Trump plantee una amenaza de revocar las normas sobre vehículos eléctricos y clima. La concesión de la exención por parte de la Agencia...
Alejandro Lazo CalMatters The Biden administration today approved California’s groundbreaking mandate phasing out new gas-powered cars just weeks before the incoming Trump administration poses a threat of overturning electric vehicle and climate rules. The granting of the waiver by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency allows California to move forward in requiring 35%...
Despite their growing popularity, consumers in New York and nationwide still face misconceptions about electric vehicles. One of the most pervasive is about colder climates reducing battery efficiency, which many energy and environmental agencies have resoundingly found false. Kate Kruk, president of the New York Capital District Electric Vehicle Association, said given the...
Jeanne Kuang CalMatters It took years for CalVans to get its vehicles on the road legally. The Central Valley transit agency, conceived after a 1999 crash that killed 13 farmworkers, leases strictly monitored vehicles to workers and employers to form vanpools. It gives thousands of laborers a safe way...
Alejandro Lazo CalMatters ¿Ha encontrado obstáculos en el camino la transición de California a los automóviles eléctricos? Aunque los californianos los están comprando en cantidades récord, en los últimos meses se han reportado varios reveses en la industria. La empresa de alquiler de coches Hertz está vendiendo alrededor de...
Alejandro Lazo CalMatters Has California’s transition to electric cars hit some bumps in the road? Even though Californians are buying them in record numbers, several industry setbacks have been reported in recent months. The rental car company Hertz is selling about a third of its global electric vehicle fleet, replacing...
Justo Robles CalMatters Update: On Nov. 16, the state Public Utilities Commission approved a rate hike for Pacific Gas & Electric that will increase residential rates by a monthly average of $22.20 for electric-only customers. Angelica Vásquez’s anxiety soared when she read the notice on her most recent electric bill:...
Justo Robles CalMatters La ansiedad de Angélica Vásquez se disparó cuando leyó el aviso en su factura eléctrica más reciente: “Por favor pague $135.81 antes del 26/10 para evitar la interrupción del servicio”. Pero la advertencia fue parte de un problema mayor. Vásquez debía un total de $400.68 a...
Alejandro Lazo CalMatters California is eliminating its popular electric car rebate program — which often runs out of money and has long waiting lists — to focus on providing subsidies only to lower-income car buyers. The Clean Vehicle Rebate Project, in existence since 2010, will end when it runs out...