After a historic weekend, politics turned out to be the major topic Monday July 22 at the national convention of more than 3,500 teachers union members. The American Federation of Teachers, which is holding its biennial conference in Houston, is one of the groups to endorsed Kamala Harris for President. Randi...
Tras un fin de semana histórico, la política se convirtió en el tema principal de una reunión que comenzó el lunes 22 de julio con más de 3,500 miembros de sindicatos de maestros. La Federación Americana de Profesores es uno de los grupos que ha respaldado a Kamala Harris para la...
Los defensores de la educación piden a los legisladores que aumenten el financiamiento de programas para combatir la escasez de docentes. El 37 por ciento de las escuelas en todo el país informan que les falta al menos un maestro. El problema es peor en las escuelas que atienden...
Education advocates are calling on lawmakers to increase funding for programs to combat the teacher shortage. Around 37% of schools nationwide report being short at least one teacher. The problem is worse at schools serving high-poverty neighborhoods where more than half report a vacancy. Susan Kemper Patrick, a senior researcher on...
Una nueva medida electoral para apoyar la educación artística se presentará ante los votantes de California en noviembre. La pproposición requeriría que el 1% de los fondos escolares se destine a la educación artística y musical. La medida no proporciona dinero nuevo, sino que indica a los distritos que prioricen los...
A new ballot measure to support arts education will go before California voters in November. Proposition 28 would require that 1% of school funding go toward arts and music education. The measure does not provide new money, but rather directs districts to prioritize existing funds. “Just as math teaches them...
SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Los grupos educativos están elogiando una decisión unánime tomada este miércoles 26 de febrero por el comité legislativo, para auditar al primer colegio comunitario en línea del estado, llamado Calbright College. Los legisladores expresaron preocupación acerca de la transparencia y la duplicación de las ofertas disponibles...
SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Education groups are praising a unanimous decision by a legislative committee Wednesday February 26 to audit the state’s first online community college, called Calbright College. Lawmakers expressed concern about transparency and duplication of current offerings. Jeff Freitas, president of the California Federation of Teachers, says the $140 million invested...
Suzanne Potter California News Service SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Education experts are speaking out against the Republican tax plan that President Donald Trump is about to sign, saying it could lead to less money for schools and hurt working class families. The bill permanently slashes corporate taxes from 35 to...