
  • Un ‘envenenamiento nacional’: las drogas sintéticas inundan la frontera entre EE. UU. y México

    Las drogas sintéticas fabricadas en México y vendidas a bajo precio en los Estados Unidos están matando a decenas de miles de personas mientras alimentan una creciente catástrofe humanitaria. Muchas de las víctimas son jóvenes, muchas son personas sin hogar y muchas son personas de color. Eso es según...
  • A ‘National Poisoning’ — Synthetic Drugs Flooding the U.S.-Mexico Border

    Synthetic drugs made in Mexico and sold for cheap in the U.S. are killing tens of thousands while fueling a growing humanitarian catastrophe. Many of the victims are young, many are homeless, and many are people of color. That’s according to award-winning reporter Sam Quinones, author of four acclaimed...
  • ¿Se legalizarán los psicodélicos en California?

    En medio de una creciente investigación científica sobre los usos terapéuticos de las drogas psicodélicas y un impulso progresivo para suavizar el castigo por delitos relacionados con las drogas, los legisladores de California están considerando un proyecto de ley para legalizar los hongos mágicos, el éxtasis y varias otras...
  • Will psychedelics become legal in California?

    Amid growing scientific research into therapeutic uses for psychedelic drugs and a progressive push to soften punishment for drug crimes, California lawmakers are considering a bill to legalize magic mushrooms, Ecstasy and several other hallucinogenic substances. The proposal has set off an intense debate over how far California should...
  • Grupos de CA empujan proyecto de ley para frenar ofertas de recetas de “pago por demora”

    SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Los pacientes y los defensores de la atención médica se manifestaron el jueves 29 de agosto en los pasos del Capitolio Estatal a favor del Proyecto de Ley 824 de la Asamblea, que combate los llamados acuerdos de pago por retraso, en el que las compañías...
  • CA Groups Push Bill to Curb “Pay-for-Delay” Prescription Deals

    SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Patients and health care advocates rallied on the State Capitol steps Thursday August 29 in favor of Assembly Bill 824, which combats so-called pay-for-delay deals, in which pharmaceutical companies pay generic drug makers to keep their products off the market.  The first-in-the nation bill has to pass...

    The word RACISM is being used today very openly by many individuals. In the past, one used it amongst close friends. Racism is closely characterized by bias, prejudice, and bigotry. America, as a nation, is committed to the ideal that each individual merits due process which results in equal...
  • 3 Tips to Raise a Drug-Free Child

    StatePoint By the time teens graduate from high school, about 45 percent will have tried marijuana, according the National Institute on Drug Abuse. And while marijuana is one of the most used substances among teenagers, it is not the only one of concern today. The drug epidemic is an...
  • Consumer Advocates Urge Governor to Limit Short-Term Health Plans

    Suzanne Potter California News Service SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Groups fighting to keep California’s health care system on track are calling on Gov. Jerry Brown to sign Senate Bill 910 which would limit short-term insurance plans. The Trump administration finalized new rules in August to allow so-called skinny plans to remain in...