Concert and sports fans across the country are expressing growing frustration over rising ticket prices and hidden fees. In response, Congress is considering the TICKET Act, a bipartisan bill which aims to increase transparency by requiring ticket sellers to display all fees upfront. Sally Greenberg, executive director of the National...
Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services La tradición de cuidar a los padres ancianos está arraigada en la cultura asiática. Pero los AAPI de segunda generación enfrentan múltiples desafíos al cuidar de sus padres inmigrantes, incluida la falta de apoyo, finanzas y simplemente tiempo. En su informe de 2020: “Asiáticos...
Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services The tradition of caring for one’s aging parents is embedded in Asian culture. But 2nd generation AAPIs face multiple challenges in caring for their immigrant parents, including a lack of support, finances, and just plain time. In its 2020 report: “Asian Americans 65 and...
A new report showed the share of tech jobs in what are known as “superstar” cities such as the Bay Area, Boston, Los Angeles and New York has dipped in recent years, while it has been growing in other cities including Salt Lake City. According to a recent study from the University of...
A medida que el Mes Nacional de la Lectura finaliza pronto, las bibliotecas de Nueva York y del país se enfrentan a un número cada vez mayor de desafíos relacionados con los libros. Nuevos datos de la Asociación Estadounidense de Bibliotecas encuentran que las demandas para censurar ciertos libros...
As National Reading Month ends soon, libraries across New York and the nation are dealing with the increasing number of book challenges. New data from the American Library Association finds demands to censor certain books hit an all-time high of 1,200 in 2022. This is nearly double the 729 book...
Whatever our differences, we all have to eat. In the United States, where we can choose foods from all over the world, ethnic cuisine has become American as apple pie. Journalists and chefs explored how the U.S. has welcomed and changed diverse eating traditions, and why, at a press briefing hosted...
La pandemia ha tenido un impacto devastador en las personas de todo el país. Para las personas con discapacidades, que ya de por si enfrentan mucho aislamiento social, el COVID-19 solo ha exacerbado los desafíos de salud mental. Un estudio reciente encontró que los adultos con discapacidades reportan experimentar más angustia...
The pandemic has had a devastating impact on people across the country. For people with disabilities, who already face a lot of social isolation to begin with, COVID-19 has only exacerbated mental-health challenges. A recent study found adults with disabilities report experiencing more mental distress than those without disabilities. Dr. Sharon...