Groups fighting for safer roads are urging Gov. Gavin Newsom to sign a bill requiring new vehicles to have a speed-monitoring system to warn drivers when they go more than 10 miles per hour over the speed limit. Senate Bill 961 has already passed both houses of the state Legislature....
Indigenous leaders are asking California Gov. Gavin Newsom to sign a bill that would allow federally recognized tribes to sign agreements with the state to co-manage and co-govern ancestral lands and waters. Assembly Bill 1284 unanimously passed both houses of the state Legislature this week. Scott Sullivan is vice chairman of...
Khari Johnson CalMatters California lawmakers took a key vote on August 28 to pass a controversial bill that requires companies that make or modify powerful forms of artificial intelligence to test for their ability to enable critical harm to society. Following a 32-1 vote in the Senate in May, the Assembly...
Sejal Parekh Ethnic Media Services La cirugía de rodilla en 2021 limitó la actividad física de Elizabeth Durán y le hizo ganar peso. Durán, de 65 años, tomaba pastillas para la presión arterial alta y lidiaba con su ansiedad en privado. En el otoño de 2023, su médico lo...
Sejal Parekh Ethnic Media Services Knee surgery in 2021 limited Elizabeth Duran’s physical activity and caused her to gain weight. Duran, 65, took pills for high blood pressure and dealt with her anxiety privately. In the fall of 2023, her doctor referred her to a county program, Recipe 4...
Los defensores de los niños están presionando a los legisladores de California para que aprueben un proyecto de ley que aumentaría la supervisión de los planes de salud cuando niegan servicios de salud mental a los niños. En este momento, los padres tienen que solicitar una revisión a su...
Children’s advocates are pressing California lawmakers to pass a bill that would increase oversight on health plans when they deny mental health services for children. Right now, parents have to ask their health plan for a review when a child’s mental health condition isn’t covered by their insurance –...
Much of the national attention has been focused on student protests, the trial of Donald Trump and President Joe Biden’s popularity problems. But behind the public showcase, a formidable fight is brewing between Republicans and Democrats that could affect the nutrition of millions of people in the United States....
Nakia Cooper Ethnic Media Services Todos los ojos estarán puestos en el Capitolio durante los próximos días mientras los legisladores sopesan los pros y los contras de H.R. 7109, un proyecto de ley controvertido que, según muchos, podría afectar negativamente el futuro de la representación y la integridad del...