The U.S. Census Bureau’s recently announced undercount of African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans in the 2020 Census came as no surprise to leaders of civil rights organizations that fought with the Trump administration for an accurate demographic assessment of their communities. The Census Bureau estimated the undercount of...
Ya se cumplió un año desde que comenzó la pandemia del COVID-19. Ahora, a medida que los californianos esperan para ser vacunados, no podemos pasar por alto el hecho que COVID-19 continúa cobrando vidas. La cifra de muertes más reciente en California sobrepasa los 55,000. Y la cruda realidad...
One full year has passed since the COVID-19 pandemic started. Now, as Californians wait to be vaccinated, we cannot overlook the fact that COVID-19 continues to claim lives. The current death toll in California surpasses the 55,000 mark. And the sobering reality is that the situation could be even...
Someone shared with me a quote by Simon Sinek, “Leadership is a way of thinking, a way of acting and, most importantly, a way of communicating.” The King James Bible states that, “Without (leaders communicating) a vison (of their future) the people will perish.” The featured speakers of last...
El tumultuoso lanzamiento en Orlando de la campaña de reelección de Donald Trump hacia las elecciones presidenciales del 2020 fue en esencia un viaje a 2016: una película repetida con las ideas, las obsesiones y las consignas que lo llevaron a la Casa Blanca a pesar de haber perdido...
Los Angeles – Microsoft announced Sunday that its new gaming console, called Project Scarlett, will hit stores in time for Christmas 2020. Microsoft’s head of Xbox, Phil Spencer, told the Electronic Entertainment Expo, known as E3, that Project Scarlett is “the most powerful and highest performing console” they have...
Los Ángeles: Microsoft anunció el domingo que su nueva consola de juegos, llamada Project Scarlett, llegará a las tiendas a tiempo para la Navidad 2020. El jefe de Xbox de Microsoft, Phil Spencer, dijo a la Electronic Entertainment Expo, conocida como E3, que el Proyecto Scarlett es “la consola...
Suzanne Potter Public News Service JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Civil rights and immigrants’ groups are celebrating a ruling by a federal judge in New York that removes a question from the 2020 Census that would ask people about their citizenship status. However, the issue isn’t settled. The question is controversial because...