Do you know how to identify the signs that show maturity in a teenager?
In adolescence, young people behave in unique ways. However, there are, broadly speaking, some signs of maturity in adolescence, understanding that these can appear at certain times, in different ways and at different levels, although not always.
These are the most important psychological changes during adolescence:
- They take responsibility for their actions: One of the signs of maturity in adolescence is responsibility. Adolescents at this stage are capable of understanding the consequences of their actions and manage to take responsibility for them.
- They are reflective: The ability to reflect is also acquired over the years and with experiences. Adolescents no longer act so impulsively, always going with what they feel, but instead develop the ability to think before acting.
- They manage their emotions: Adolescents are learning to manage and channel emotions in a healthy and more appropriate way. This helps them not to always be guided by what they feel, but rather they can begin to manage emotions that are not always easy to handle, such as frustration or anger.
- They are more flexible: This helps them adapt to different situations in life, as well as understanding that things can be seen from different perspectives.
- They are more tolerant towards change: Another characteristic of maturity in adolescence is tolerance towards change, the acceptance that things are not permanent (knowing that neither good nor bad are eternal).
- The ability to think more about what they want to do arises: They are more or less clear about their goals and aspirations in their lives. It is not just wanting to be independent, but beyond, they begin to outline plans to achieve their goals.
- They put egoism aside: They no longer think only of themselves, but they begin to put egoism aside and include others in their circles of interest.
- They are able to ask for help: For them, this is not easy.
- They are cultivating their own criteria: They are creating and molding their own criteria, when it comes to thinking, when it comes to being and acting. They are forming and promoting their own decisions and opinions, less based on others, and more based on their own criteria.
- They respect other points of view: They are developing the ability to respect the points of view of others. They come to understand that we don’t all think alike, and that’s okay.
- They practice active listening: They begin to increasingly develop the ability to practice active listening, a skill that involves listening to others actively and mindfully. They stop listening to respond and start listening to understand.
As fathers and mothers, it will not always be easy for us to accompany our children on this path towards adolescence and adulthood, but with love, respect and empathy we can achieve it. Our children need our support, as during this process of growth and change, they may feel alone or lost.