Marisa Kendall CalMatters Nuevos datos muestran que casi 186,000 personas viven ahora en las calles y en refugios para personas sin hogar en California, lo que demuestra que la crisis sigue creciendo a pesar de los crecientes esfuerzos estatales y locales para detener la marea. Eso es según un...
Marisa Kendall CalMatters New data shows nearly 186,000 people now live on the streets and in homeless shelters in California, proving the crisis continues to grow despite increasing state and local efforts to stem the tide. That’s according to an exclusive CalMatters analysis of the latest results of the point-in-time...
Medi-Cal ha eliminado a varios cientos de miles de niños de bajos ingresos de las listas de seguro médico desde abril de 2023, según un nuevo informe de la Universidad de Georgetown. Los datos muestran una caída neta en la inscripción de 200.000 niños en Medi-Cal entre abril y diciembre del...
Medi-Cal has dropped several hundred thousand low-income children from the health insurance rolls since April 2023, according to a new report from Georgetown University. The data show a net drop in children’s Medi-Cal enrollment of 200,000 kids between April and December of last year, as the state started redetermining participants’ annual...
The wave of student mobilizations in a growing number of universities in the United States in protest of Israel’s actions has become a headache for President Joe Biden. With nuances, students want their institutions to distance themselves from companies or donors linked to Israel or that benefit from the...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services A year ago, with the end of the federal COVID-19 emergency, California started redetermining eligibility for the one out of three of its residents on Medi-Cal, its version of Medicaid. At a time when many states are using this process to drop Medicaid members...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services En una sesión informativa del viernes 15 de marzo de Ethnic Media Services, el personal de CA vs Hate, los organizadores estatales de derechos civiles y las organizaciones comunitarias sobre el terreno discutieron las tendencias de los delitos de odio en todo California, y...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services At a Friday, March 15 Ethnic Media Services briefing, CA vs Hate staff, civil rights state organizers and community organizations on the ground discussed hate crime trends throughout California, and how the hotline connects those experiencing hate with local resources including mental health support,...
The new year is an ideal occasion to put our priorities in order, formulate good resolutions and draw up a roadmap with the goals that translate our desires and dreams. Sadly, 2024 is shaping up to be a stormy year on the horizon for migrants in the United States....