August 1 was National Poll Worker Recruitment Day – and county elections offices across California are staffing up. The event was established by the Election Assistance Commission in 2020 to combat a shortage of poll workers. Kim Alexander, president and founder of the California Voter Foundation, said there are a number...
Las altas tasas de rotación están agraviando las oficinas electorales locales en todo el oeste, lo que está causando preocupación a medida que se acercan las elecciones de 2024. Un estudio reciente encontró que alrededor del 40% de los funcionarios electorales en jefe en los estados occidentales han dejado el cargo...
High turnover rates are plaguing local elections offices across the West, which is causing concern as the 2024 election approaches. A recent study found about 40% of chief election officials in western states have left office since November 2020. Idaho and Washington saw the lowest turnover, each at 23%. Michael Beckel,...
Jeanne Kuang CalMatters Martha Herrera trabajó durante cuatro años como niñera en San Francisco, ayudando a cuidar a una niña pequeña que tiene discapacidades físicas y del desarrollo. El trabajo incluía ayudar a la niña a llegar a casa de la escuela, cargarla y bañarla. Un día, mientras cargaba...
Jeanne Kuang CalMatters Martha Herrera worked for four years as a nanny in San Francisco, helping to care for a little girl who has physical and developmental disabilities. The job included helping the girl get home from school, and carrying her and bathing her. One day while carrying the...