Desiree Garibay used to sleep outside in Redondo Beach. One night in July 2020, she was lying down in a city park and police issued her a ticket. She missed her court date, and the ticket became a warrant for her arrest. She said she became even more determined...
Las clínicas de aborto de California están construyendo nuevas instalaciones más cerca de los centros de transporte y capacitando a más personal. Un paquete de una docena de proyectos de ley sobre el derecho al aborto que se está tramitando en la Legislatura podría ampliar la cantidad de proveedores,...
California abortion clinics are building new facilities closer to transit hubs and training more staff. A package of a dozen abortion rights bills moving through the Legislature could expand the number of providers, provide financial assistance to women traveling to California to terminate their pregnancies, and legally protect the...