Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services Aunque la administración Biden ha logrado avances históricos en la aprobación de iniciativas de condonación de préstamos estudiantiles, las demandas en curso por parte de estados de mayoría republicana y un posible cambio de liderazgo en la Casa Blanca este año electoral amenazan su...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services Though the Biden administration has made historic strides in passing student loan forgiveness initiatives, ongoing lawsuits by Republican-majority states and a possible change of White House leadership this election year threatens their survival. Meanwhile, the lifting of pandemic-era freezes to federal student loan payments...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services Cuando cierre la temporada de impuestos el 15 de abril — el último día para presentar una declaración — el IRS espera recibir 146 millones de declaraciones, y planificarla es “una tarea monumental,” dijo el comisionado adjunto de la División de Inversiones y Salarios...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services By the time tax season closes on April 15 — the last day to submit a return — the IRS expects to receive 146 million returns, and planning for it is “a monumental task,” said IRS Wage and Investment Division Deputy Commissioner Kevin Morehead...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services Mientras las mujeres votantes acuden a las urnas este otoño, los derechos de las trabajadoras domésticas, los derechos reproductivos, el control de armas y la violencia contra las mujeres que ocupan cargos públicos y funcionarios electorales son preocupaciones de primer orden. Abuso en el...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services As women voters head to the polls this fall, domestic workers’ rights, reproductive rights, gun control and violence against officeholder and election official women are forefront concerns. Abuse in office This violence is a pervasive threat for those on the ballots — and a...
Nadia Lopez CalMatters La Junta del Aire de California aprobó por unanimidad el 15 de diciembre un amplio plan estatal para combatir el cambio climático, creando un nuevo plan para los próximos cinco años para reducir las emisiones de carbono, reducir la dependencia de los combustibles fósiles y acelerar...
Nadia Lopez CalMatters California’s air board unanimously approved on December 15 a sweeping state plan to battle climate change, creating a new blueprint for the next five years to cut carbon emissions, reduce reliance on fossil fuels and speed up the transition to renewable energy. Called a scoping plan, the 297-page...
Nadia Lopez CalMatters New gasoline-powered cars will be banned in California beginning with 2035 models under a new groundbreaking regulation unanimously approved this week to force car owners to switch to zero-emission vehicles. In its biggest move yet to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and fight climate change, the new...