Rachel Becker CalMatters A pesar de las perpetuas luchas de California con la escasez de agua, los reguladores estatales adoptaron la semana pasada medidas de conservación obligatorias que son sustancialmente más débiles y ahorran menos agua de lo que planearon originalmente. Las reglas, que tardaron años en elaborarse, fueron...
Rachel Becker CalMatters Despite California’s perpetual struggles with water shortages, state regulators this week adopted mandatory conservation measures that are substantially weaker and save less water than they originally planned. The rules, years in the making, were mandated by a package of laws that tasked state agencies with making...
Rachel Becker CalMatters Casi 400 sistemas de agua que abastecen a casi un millón de californianos no cumplen con los requisitos estatales para un suministro de agua potable seguro y confiable, y arreglarlos costaría miles de millones de dólares. Más de dos tercios de estos sistemas de agua defectuosos...
Rachel Becker CalMatters Almost 400 water systems serving nearly a million Californians don’t meet state requirements for safe and reliable drinking water supplies — and fixing them would cost billions of dollars. More than two-thirds of these failing water systems serve communities of color, and more than half are...
Rachel Becker CalMatters In an effort to protect more than 5 million Californians from a cancer-causing contaminant, state regulators today set a new standard that is expected to increase the cost of water for many people throughout the state. The State Water Resources Control Board unanimously approved the nation’s...
Rachel Becker CalMatters Los agricultores de California podrían ahorrar enormes cantidades de agua si plantaran cultivos menos sedientos, pero también menos lucrativos, en lugar de almendras, alfalfa y otros cultivos que consumen mucha agua, según una nueva investigación realizada por científicos que utilizaron sensores remotos e inteligencia artificial. Un...
Rachel Becker CalMatters California farmers could save massive amounts of water if they planted less thirsty — but also less lucrative — crops instead of almonds, alfalfa and other water-guzzling crops, according to new research by scientists who used remote sensing and artificial intelligence. Such a seismic shift in...
Rachel Becker CalMatters Los californianos podrían beber aguas residuales altamente purificadas que se canalizan directamente a los suministros de agua potable por primera vez según las reglas propuestas reveladas por los funcionarios estatales de agua. El estado propenso a las sequías ha recurrido al agua reciclada durante más de 60...
Rachel Becker CalMatters Californians could drink highly purified sewage water that is piped directly into drinking water supplies for the first time under proposed rules unveiled by state water officials. The drought-prone state has turned to recycled water for more than 60 years to bolster its scarce supplies, but the current...