Los sindicatos que representan a los trabajadores de la comida rápida están pidiendo al nuevo Consejo de Comida Rápida del estado que apoye un aumento de 70 centavos por hora en el salario mínimo en su próxima reunión el 11 de septiembre. El salario mínimo para los trabajadores de...
Unions representing fast food workers are asking the state’s new Fast Food Council to support a 70-cent-per-hour boost in the minimum wage at its next meeting on Sept. 11. The minimum wage for fast food workers was recently raised to $20 an hour but it works out to just...
Alejandra Reyes-Velarde CalMatters California apenas está iniciando un esfuerzo a nivel estatal para crear oportunidades de aprendizaje para jóvenes de 16 a 24 años, a medida que la universidad se vuelve menos asequible para muchos graduados de secundaria y otros costos de vida están aumentando. Pero el programa se...
Alejandra Reyes-Velarde CalMatters California is just starting a statewide effort to create apprenticeship opportunities for young people, ages 16 through 24, as college becomes less affordable for many high school graduates and other costs of living are rising. But the program has run into a funding snag. Gov. Gavin...
Wage theft is common in low-wage industries in California. Tens of thousands of workers — in restaurants, nail salons, warehouses, farms, car washes and other industries – lose out on millions of dollars in stolen wages each year. Wage theft happens when employers deliberately pay workers below the minimum...
On Labor Day, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced he’s signing a first-in-the-nation bill creating a council to regulate wages and working conditions in fast food restaurants. The new law will give labor advocates a long-elusive bargaining foothold in a low-wage industry that employs more than half a million non-unionized workers statewide. “California is...
Gov. Ron DeSantis has been confronting a lot of issues dealing with race and inclusion. The latest is his signing into law his version of Florida’s new Congressional district maps which heavily benefits Republicans and slashes the number of Black districts in half, from four to two. DeSantis claims the districts...
San Jose Fast-Food Workers to Join Nationwide Protests on 50th Anniversary of Historic Memphis Sanitation Strike — Cooks, Cashiers to Rally at Local McDonald’s During Lunchtime Rush, Vow to Continue Sanitation Strikers’ Fight for Higher Wages, Union Rights — Fight for $15 to Join Forces with New Poor People’s...