Jenny Manrique Ethnic Medias Services After surviving five shots in the head, dodging bullets and running bloodied to ask her neighbors for help, Pauletta Perez wondered several times why the person she trusted the most, her husband, wanted to kill her. Very soon after getting married, Perez had become...
Jenny Manrique Ethnic Media Services Después de sobrevivir a cinco disparos en la cabeza, esquivando balas y corriendo ensangrentada a pedir ayuda a sus vecinos, Pauletta Perez se preguntó varias veces por qué la persona en quien más confiaba, su esposo, quería quitarle la vida. Muy pronto tras casarse,...
Jenny Manrique Ethnic Media Services As a child, Tina Rodríguez was a victim of domestic violence and sexual abuse and repeatedly called 911 to report mistreatment by her father against her mother and siblings. His attacks not only caused her serious eating disorders but also a deep trauma only...
Jenny Manrique Ethnic Media Services Cuando era niña, Tina Rodríguez fue víctima de violencia doméstica y abuso sexual y en repetidas ocasiones llamó al 911 para reportar los maltratos cometidos por su padre contra su madre y hermanos. Las agresiones no solo le causaron serios desórdenes alimenticios sino un...
La violencia doméstica se ha disparado de manera alarmante ya que las víctimas están atrapadas en casa con sus abusadores en medio de órdenes de cierre durante la pandemia de COVID. Al mismo tiempo, las redes de seguridad tradicionales se han cerrado en gran medida, según un panel de expertos...
Domestic violence has spiked alarmingly as victims are trapped at home with their abusers amid lockdown orders during the COVID pandemic. At the same time, traditional safety nets have largely been shut down, according to a panel of experts speaking at an EMS news briefing Dec. 3. Citing a...