
  • Colombian Government Chooses Force Over Dialogue as Protests Continue

    Joshua Collins Ethnic Media Services Bogotá, Colombia– Deisy Paricio lights candles at a remembrance ceremony in the neighborhood of Soledad for those who have died during 10 bloody days of protest in Colombia. “We’re here to denounce the actions of a criminal regime,” she says, with a cold determination...

    “The most effective way to destroy a people’s community to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” This is my revised version of George Orwell’s original statement. Dolores Huerta recently sent out an email stating: “Dear Hilbert, when you’re celebrating Thanksgiving this week, add one more thing...

    You’d see this phenomenon in prison. A guy in H-Unit would get beat down real bad with a heavy weight belt and get sent to the hospital with eye damage and missing teeth. A couple weeks later a guy in I-Unit would get attacked by three prisoners with knives...
  • Cómo el odio llega a un punto de inflexión: Mexicanos en el menú

    Puedes ver este fenómeno en una cárcel. Un tipo en la Unidad H sería agarrado a golpes con un cinturón de pesas y terminaría en un hospital con daño ocular y sin dientes. Un par de semanas después, un tipo en la Unidad I sería atacado por tres prisioneros...
  • Link Cited Between Mass Shootings, Domestic Violence

    Dan Heyman Public News Service CHARLESTON, W.Va. – There is a strong link between mass shootings and domestic violence, according to an analysis of seven years of shootings by the gun control group Everytown for Gun Safety. The study found the majority “involve domestic or family violence.” In more than...
  • All Violence is the Real Issue

    Hilbert Morales EL OBSERVADOR Violence is defined by the World Health Organization as “the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological...
  • Social Media And Violence

    Arturo Hilario El Observador If Martin Luther King Jr. had access to the tech we have now, how would he use it as a tool to help Civil Rights Movement? How about going back to the 1930’s and the rise of Adolf Hitler? Technology has allowed us to travel...
  • Más allá

    Luisa Fernanda Montero / La Red Hispana Abril es el mes de la concientización y la prevención de la violencia sexual. Así quedó consignado en la proclamación presidencial que recuerda que todos, hombres, mujeres, niños, jóvenes y adultos de cualquier raza, color o estatus podemos ser víctimas y que, a...